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Prometheus Unbound: Reconstitutive Poetics and the Promethean Poet
The Keats-Shelley Review Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/09524142.2020.1822013
Merrilees Roberts 1

ABSTRACT This essay explores Shelley’s notion of the ‘Promethean poet’: poets who ‘feel not what they inspire’ and are ‘the influence which is moved not, but moves’ (A Defence of Poetry). Shelley’s experimentation with different ‘Prometheus’ personae (distinguishing between the mythological Prometheus, his own ‘Prometheus’ character and an abstract notion of Promethean creativity) is his way of exploring the question of what agency is left to the poet who remains perpetually dissociated from the felicity he inspires in others. I also consider how this psychology plays out at the level of language itself; examining how Shelley’s Promethean creativity aims to reinvigorate inert linguistic modes. I do this by examining how the passages where Prometheus’s curse is repeated by the Phantasm of Jupiter enact a self-reconstitution which aims to find a way of coping with perceived gaps between feeling and linguistic expression.



摘要 本文探讨了雪莱关于“普罗米修斯诗人”的概念:诗人“感受不到他们所启发的东西”并且是“影响力不为所动,但为所动”(诗歌辩护)。雪莱对不同的“普罗米修斯”人物(区分神话中的普罗米修斯、他自己的“普罗米修斯”角色和普罗米修斯创造力的抽象概念)进行的实验是他探索什么样的代理留给永远与现实分离的诗人的方式。他激励他人的幸福。我还考虑了这种心理如何在语言本身的层面上发挥作用;研究雪莱的普罗米修斯创造力如何旨在重振惰性语言模式。