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Managing patient aggression during registration: in preparation of implementing Affordable Care Act (ACA) 1557 intake questions
Qualitative Research Reports in Communication Pub Date : 2020-11-02 , DOI: 10.1080/17459435.2020.1836018
Rachyl Pines 1 , Bernadette Watson 2 , Howard Giles 3

Health professionals face high rates of workplace violence from patients. This study systematically informed registration staff about pre-violent behaviors and tested its impacts on staff approaches to aggression. In this study, staff were concerned that the implementation of the new patient registration questions as mandated by the Affordable Care Act 1557 would cause patients to become aggressive. Using an open-ended questionnaire, this study involved the training of 74 staff at a Central California hospital who perform patient registration, in managing potential patient aggression during the new registration process and tested the effectiveness of the training. Results suggest that trainings are successful in helping staff identify pre-violent behaviors, use newly learned de-escalation strategies, and approach patient aggression from an appropriate perspective. Communication skill trainings are useful for teaching staff to identify patient pre-violent behaviors, and improving staff attitudes and approaches toward patient aggression. Hospitals should educate staff about the causes of patient aggression, and communication strategies to de-escalate. Lastly, staff should be encouraged to make external attributions for patient aggression.


在注册期间管理患者的攻击性:准备实施平价医疗法案 (ACA) 1557 摄入问题

卫生专业人员面临来自患者的高工作场所暴力。该研究系统地向登记人员通报了暴力前行为,并测试了其对员工攻击方式的影响。在这项研究中,工作人员担心实施 1557 年平价医疗法案规定的新患者登记问题会导致患者变得咄咄逼人。本研究使用开放式问卷,对加州中部一家医院的 74 名进行患者登记的工作人员进行培训,以管理新登记过程中潜在的患者攻击行为,并测试了培训的有效性。结果表明,培训成功地帮助员工识别暴力前行为,使用新学到的降级策略,并从适当的角度处理患者的攻击性。沟通技巧培训有助于教员工识别患者的暴力前行为,并改善员工对患者攻击行为的态度和方法。医院应教育工作人员了解患者攻击性的原因,以及缓和冲突的沟通策略。最后,应鼓励工作人员对患者的攻击行为进行外部归因。
