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“This unfortunate book”: Bram Stoker and the Edwardian publishing industry
Irish Studies Review Pub Date : 2021-01-28 , DOI: 10.1080/09670882.2021.1880114
William Hughes 1


This article considers the later career of the Irish Gothic author, Bram Stoker (1847–1912), and interrogates the publishing history of his penultimate work, the non-fictional study, Famous Impostors (1910). Making use of the unpublished correspondence of Stoker’s British and US publishers, it charts the development of the work from its inception (where Stoker was actually paid the same amount as his agent), through the period of its writing, when Stoker was seriously ill, to its revision and final publication. To date, Famous Impostors remains probably the least studied of the author’s works. This article will address that gap in critical knowledge, as well as presenting new biographical materials associated with the author and his experience of publishing in the early twentieth century.




本文考虑了爱尔兰哥特式作家布拉姆·斯托克(Bram Stoker,1847–1912)的较晚职业,并审视了他倒数第二篇作品的非出版小说《著名的叛逆者》Family Impostors,1910)的出版历史。利用斯托克(Stoker)的英国和美国出版商未出版的信函,它绘制了从作品创立之初(斯托克实际上与他的经纪人获得的报酬相同)的整个作品的发展历程,直至斯托克病重,对其进行修订并最终发布。迄今为止,著名的冒名顶替者可能仍然是作者作品中研究最少的作品。本文将解决关键知识方面的空白,并介绍与作者有关​​的新传记材料以及他在20世纪初的出版经验。
