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New Voices and Creative Protest in Post-2008 Spain: María Folguera’s Los primeros días de Pompeya
Bulletin of Spanish Studies Pub Date : 2020-11-17 , DOI: 10.1080/14753820.2020.1837477
Joanne Britland 1

Abstract In Spain, the 2008 financial crisis exacerbated pre-existing economic and social inequalities. Unemployment skyrocketed, poverty increased, and many people were evicted. In response, Spaniards joined together in solidarity. Movements such as 15-M denounced the neo-liberal policies and corruption that led to the crash and called for change. This article explores how post-2008 Spanish cultural works were another form of resistance that encouraged social mobilization in response to the crisis. The article employs Los primeros días de Pompeya by María Folguera (2016) as a paradigmatic example of how art elicits emotional responses from the spectator that encourage transformation through social mobilization.


2008 年后西班牙的新声音和创造性抗议:玛丽亚·福尔盖拉 (María Folguera) 的《Losprimeros días de Pompeya》

摘要 在西班牙,2008 年的金融危机加剧了先前存在的经济和社会不平等。失业率飙升,贫困加剧,许多人被驱逐。作为回应,西班牙人团结一致。15-M 等运动谴责导致崩溃的新自由主义政策和腐败,并呼吁进行变革。本文探讨了 2008 年后的西班牙文化作品如何成为鼓励社会动员以应对危机的另一种抵抗形式。本文采用 María Folguera (2016) 的《Losprimeros días de Pompeya》作为范例,说明艺术如何引起观众的情绪反应,通过社会动员来鼓励变革。