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Newcomer refugee and immigrant youth negotiate transnational civic learning and participation in school
British Educational Research Journal  ( IF 2.133 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-10 , DOI: 10.1002/berj.3702
Liv T. Dávila 1

This article analyses the perspectives and experiences of refugee and immigrant secondary school students in the USA who are from the Democratic Republic of Congo to examine the interplay between identity and civic education, and broader socio-political discourses around immigration and inclusion. Data are drawn from a 2-year qualitative study that took place between 2016 and 2018, and included interviews, field notes from classroom observations and recordings of classroom discourse in high school civics classes. Findings are analysed through anthropological framings of citizenship and provide important insight into how marginalisation in one context is experienced in another—how refugee and immigrant youth’s socially conscious identities in resettlement contexts can be borne out of personal and familial histories that transcend geographical borders. In so doing, it showcases how civic learning can involve a dialogic process of self-representation and representation of group memberships. This research emphasises these youth’s inherent agency and resistance to single-story narratives about their lives. It concludes with implications for teachers and learners on incorporating active, critical and participatory transnational citizenship education into the classroom.



本文分析了来自刚果民主共和国的美国难民和移民中学生的观点和经历,以研究身份和公民教育之间的相互作用,以及围绕移民和包容的更广泛的社会政治话语。数据来自于 2016 年至 2018 年间进行的为期 2 年的定性研究,包括访谈、课堂观察的现场笔记以及高中公民课课堂讨论的录音。研究结果通过公民的人类学框架进行分析,并提供了重要的洞察力,以了解在一种情况下如何在另一种情况下经历边缘化——难民和移民青年在重新安置环境中的社会意识身份如何能够从超越地理边界的个人和家庭历史中得到证实。通过这样做,它展示了公民学习如何涉及自我代表和群体成员代表的对话过程。这项研究强调了这些年轻人与生俱来的能动性和对关于他们生活的单一故事叙述的抵制。它总结了将积极、批判性和参与性的跨国公民教育融入课堂对教师和学习者的影响。它展示了公民学习如何涉及自我代表和群体成员代表的对话过程。这项研究强调了这些年轻人与生俱来的能动性和对关于他们生活的单一故事叙述的抵制。它总结了将积极、批判性和参与性的跨国公民教育融入课堂对教师和学习者的影响。它展示了公民学习如何涉及自我代表和群体成员代表的对话过程。这项研究强调了这些年轻人与生俱来的能动性和对关于他们生活的单一故事叙述的抵制。它总结了将积极、批判性和参与性的跨国公民教育融入课堂对教师和学习者的影响。