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Effects of seasonal light variation and artificial light treatments on growth and flavonoid production of Artemisia princeps cultivated in greenhouses
Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s13580-021-00335-0
Joon Woo Lee , Zeesoo Han , Woo Hyun Kang , Jung Eek Son

Artemisia princeps (Ganghwa wormwood) is a medicinal plant that produces two major flavonoids, eupatilin and jaceosidin, which are used in the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcers. A. princeps is primarily field cultivated, which has some drawbacks, including only one cultivation period per year and variations in flavonoid production due to environmental changes. The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of seasonal light variation and artificial light treatments on the growth and flavonoid production of A. princeps grown in greenhouses for year-round production. The plants were cultivated and harvested nine times in one year under natural seasonal light conditions in greenhouses. During the winter growth period (when natural light is substantially lower), four artificial light treatments were applied during two cultivation periods, from September 2016 to January 2017: supplemental light, night interruption, low light, and low light with night interruption. The plants grown under the natural light condition in greenhouses were used as a control. After harvest, the growth of the plants was measured, and the contents of eupatilin and jaceosidin were determined. The plants had the highest biomass when the accumulated radiation and duration were highest. The growth and flavonoid production were significantly associated with accumulated radiation and light duration. The supplemental light and night interruption treatments resulted in significantly higher biomass and flavonoid production, with the night interruption treatment requiring less energy input than the supplemental light treatment. Therefore, for consistent biomass and flavonoid production of A. princeps, a night interruption treatment is suggested in greenhouse cultivation during low irradiation and short days (less than 13 h).



(Gonghwa艾草)是一种药用植物,可产生两种主要的黄酮类化合物:依帕替林和剑兰苷,用于治疗胃炎和消化性溃疡。A. princeps主要是在田间种植,这有一些缺点,包括每年仅一个栽培期,以及由于环境变化而导致的类黄酮产量变化。本研究的目的是分析季节性光照变化和人工光照处理对王子拟南芥生长和类黄酮产生的影响在温室中进行全年生产。在自然的季节性光照条件下,一年中将植物种植和收获了9次,并在温室中进行了收获。在冬季生长期间(自然光要低得多),从2016年9月至2017年1月的两个种植期进行了四种人造光处理:补充光,夜间遮蔽,低照度和夜间遮蔽的低照度。在温室中在自然光条件下生长的植物用作对照。收获后,测量植物的生长,并测定其中的紫杉醇和皂苷的含量。当累积辐射和持续时间最高时,植物具有最高的生物量。生长和类黄酮生成与累积辐射和光持续时间显着相关。补充光和夜间中断处理导致明显更高的生物量和类黄酮产量,而与补充光处理相比,夜间中断处理所需的能量输入更少。因此,为了一致地生产生物量和类黄酮A. princeps,建议在低辐射和短日间(少于13小时)的温室栽培中进行夜间中断处理。
