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Inxeba (The Wound): Sexual, Gender, Cultural and Religious Traumata on the African Screen
Communicatio Pub Date : 2018-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02500167.2019.1575888
Mark Kirby-Hirst 1 , Beschara Karam 2

Abstract This article is divided into two distinct parts. The first part contextualises John Trengove’s internationally renowned, award-winning, feature-length isiXhosa film, Inxeba. The second part of the article is an interview with Batana Vundla, conducted by Mark Kirby-Hirst (Film Theory and Visual Discourse Subject Manager at The Open Window), held in mid-2018, shortly after the High Court’s decision was made public regarding the final classification of Inxeba. The interview ranges from Batana Vundla’s history in the South African film and television industries, to the production processes behind the scenes of the film and concludes with a focus on the nuanced manner through which the film often broaches a wide variety of physical and psychic traumata.



摘要 本文分为两个不同的部分。第一部分介绍了约翰·特伦戈夫 (John Trengove) 的国际知名、屡获殊荣的长篇 isiXhosa 电影 Inxeba。文章的第二部分是对 Batana Vundla 的采访,由 Mark Kirby-Hirst(The Open Window 的电影理论和视觉话语主题经理)于 2018 年年中进行,就在高等法院关于Inxeba 的最终分类。采访范围从 Batana Vundla 在南非电影和电视行业的历史,到电影幕后的制作过程,最后重点关注电影经常涉及各种身体和心理创伤的微妙方式。