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Historical and archaeological perspectives on childhood mortality and morbidity in a henequen hacienda in Yucatán at the turn of the 20th century
Childhood in the Past Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/17585716.2019.1587916
Andrea Cucina 1 , Héctor Hernández Álvarez 1

ABSTRACT Workers and their families in haciendas in the Yucatán, Mexico, at the turn of the twentieth century experienced very poor living conditions, characterized by diseases and high infant mortality. The death records for the hacienda San Pedro Cholul stored at the Yucatán State Archive, reports mortality data for people living in the hacienda between 1871 and 1900, including cause of death. Infant mortality for children under two years of age reached 54.5%, while it was 70.2% for children under five years of age. Gastrointestinal disorders, fever, and ‘alferecía’ characterized infant mortality in children aged one year, while diarrhoea and fever mostly affected infants after that age. Male infant mortality predominated over that of females in children less than five years of age but the trend reversed after that age. About one quarter of people died during measles, smallpox and whooping cough epidemics. Harsh living conditions are also suggested from the bottles retrieved during archaeological excavations of the hacienda. Many of these would have contained medical treatments against dysentery, intestinal parasites and malnutrition, and were intended also for infants and children. This combined historical and archaeological investigation provides insights in relation to the morbidity and mortality of the people who both lived at and worked for the henequen haciendas. It also reveals how they tried to counteract the numerous and varied ailments they suffered during their everyday lives.


在 20 世纪之交尤卡坦州的一个 Henequen 庄园中,关于儿童死亡率和发病率的历史和考古学观点

摘要 二十世纪之交,墨西哥尤卡坦州庄园的工人及其家人的生活条件非常恶劣,其特点是疾病和婴儿死亡率高。保存在尤卡坦州档案馆的圣佩德罗乔鲁庄园的死亡记录报告了 1871 年至 1900 年间居住在庄园的人们的死亡率数据,包括死因。两岁以下儿童婴儿死亡率达54.5%,五岁以下儿童死亡率为70.2%。胃肠道疾病、发烧和“alferecía”是一岁儿童死亡的特征,而腹泻和发烧主要影响该年龄之后的婴儿。在 5 岁以下的儿童中,男婴死亡率高于女婴,但在该年龄之后趋势逆转。大约四分之一的人死于麻疹、天花和百日咳流行病。从庄园考古发掘期间回收的瓶子中也可以看出恶劣的生活条件。其中许多将包含治疗痢疾、肠道寄生虫和营养不良的药物,也适用于婴儿和儿童。这种结合历史和考古的调查提供了有关居住和工作于 Henequen 庄园的人们的发病率和死亡率的见解。它还揭示了他们如何试图抵抗他们在日常生活中遭受的众多不同的疾病。从庄园考古发掘期间回收的瓶子中也可以看出恶劣的生活条件。其中许多将包含治疗痢疾、肠道寄生虫和营养不良的药物,也适用于婴儿和儿童。这种结合历史和考古的调查提供了有关居住和工作于 Henequen 庄园的人们的发病率和死亡率的见解。它还揭示了他们如何试图抵抗他们在日常生活中遭受的众多不同的疾病。从庄园考古发掘期间回收的瓶子中也可以看出恶劣的生活条件。其中许多将包含治疗痢疾、肠道寄生虫和营养不良的药物,也适用于婴儿和儿童。这种结合历史和考古的调查提供了有关居住和工作于 Henequen 庄园的人们的发病率和死亡率的见解。它还揭示了他们如何试图抵抗他们在日常生活中遭受的众多不同的疾病。这种结合历史和考古的调查提供了有关居住和工作于 Henequen 庄园的人们的发病率和死亡率的见解。它还揭示了他们如何试图抵抗他们在日常生活中遭受的众多不同的疾病。这种结合历史和考古的调查提供了有关居住和工作于 Henequen 庄园的人们的发病率和死亡率的见解。它还揭示了他们如何试图抵消他们在日常生活中遭受的众多不同的疾病。