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Czechoslovak-Vatican Diplomatic Relations on the Eve of World War II
Central Europe Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14790963.2020.1758458
Marek Šmíd 1

ABSTRACT The study deals with the attitude of the Vatican towards the situation in Czechoslovakia in 1938–1939, within the context of international events on the eve of the Second World War. It describes and analyzes Czechoslovak-Vatican diplomatic relations, which underwent a rapid transformation in the second half of the 1930s. The Holy See had deep concerns about the escalating tension between Germans and Czechs in Czechoslovakia and between that country and Nazi Germany. With the threat of conflict, Pope Pius XI pleaded for peace. In the late 1930s, when Czechoslovakia became internationally isolated, the Vatican represented one of the few international voices in support of Czechoslovakia.



摘要 本研究涉及梵蒂冈对 1938 年至 1939 年捷克斯洛伐克局势的态度,在第二次世界大战前夕的国际事件背景下。它描述和分析了捷克斯洛伐克与梵蒂冈的外交关系,后者在 1930 年代后半期经历了快速转变。罗马教廷对捷克斯洛伐克的德国人和捷克人之间以及该国与纳粹德国之间不断升级的紧张局势深表关切。面对冲突的威胁,教皇庇护十一世恳求和平。在 1930 年代后期,当捷克斯洛伐克在国际上被孤立时,梵蒂冈代表了支持捷克斯洛伐克的少数国际声音之一。