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Nomads and Soviet rule: Central Asia under Lenin and Stalin
Canadian Slavonic Papers Pub Date : 2019-09-23 , DOI: 10.1080/00085006.2019.1666615
Sarah Cameron 1

cornered” “civil-military tensions” between “regicides, government, and the king” (146), and recognizes that Serbia’s expansionist organizations were “programmatically European” (142–143, 147). Yetmilitarismwas a “primal curse” (146), the Serbian state’s “purest form” (142), a “forerunner” of the First World War (139–40), a latent “memento mori” (140) – all in the service of a “sacrificial unity” that extends into the 1980s (141). Garašanin, Apis, Princip, Aleksander, et al are part of an unshakeable conspiratorial teleology, where even the liquidation of the Black Hand inaugurates yet another “civil-military line” – one that, naturally, portends authoritarianism (154–155). Finally, Reill centres Dalmatian elites such as businessmen Luigi Serragli and Stipan Ivičević as peripheral actors in the European project. She approvingly explores Serragli’s desire for a reciprocal free trade relationship with the Habsburgs, inspired by France’s colonial suzerainty over Algeria. Her conclusions, however, are counterintuitive, with the bloody nature of Algerian domination mentioned only to be left unproblematized (14–15, 19), claims of Dalmatian “diversity” contradicted by her own statistics (12), and discursive détournement undermined by an admission that such asymmetrical reciprocities strengthen colonialism (17). The piece ends with trite use of Maria Todorova’s work, somehow implying that Serragli and Ivičević, mired in a self-imposed backwardness and meekly courting power within deeply asymmetrical relations, are somehow subverting their perceived inferiority (25). Overall, this volume offers much original and solid empirical work, by and large persuasively emplotted and lucidly written, in its attempt to clear the immobilising brush of “ancient ethnic hatreds” and other stale tropes. Yet its framing of Balkan geopolitical, diplomatic, and economic ingenuity as proto-Europeanness still upholds “Europe” as an evaluative standard, in other words, the professional, civic, and economic assumptions of European liberalism, and exclusively thematizes the aspirations of nation-building elites. In that respect, it stands outside important post-colonial-informed theoretical work by Catherine Baker, Nataša Kovačević, and Dušan Bjelić, amongst others – an engagement with which would undoubtedly benefit the field.



在“统治者,政府和国王之间”陷入了“军民之间的紧张关系”(146),并认识到塞尔维亚的扩张主义组织是“从程序上来说是欧洲人”(142-143、147)。然而,军国主义是一种“主要的诅咒”(146),塞尔维亚国家的“最纯正的形式”(142),是第一次世界大战的“先行者”(139-40),潜伏的“纪念品”(140)–都在使用延续到1980年代的“牺牲统一”(141)。加拉沙宁(Garašanin),阿皮斯(Apis),普林西普(Princip),亚历山大·亚历山大(Aleksander)等人是不可动摇的阴谋目的论的一部分,即使是黑手党的破产,也开创了另一条“民军路线”,这自然预示着专制主义(154-155)。最终,Reill将诸如商人Luigi Serragli和StipanIvičević之类的达尔马提亚精英作为欧洲项目的外围参与者。她欣喜地探讨了塞拉利(Serragli)与哈布斯堡王朝建立互惠自由贸易关系的愿望,这是受到法国对阿尔及利亚的殖民统治的启发。然而,她的结论是违反直觉的,提到阿尔及利亚统治的血腥性质只不过是没有问题的(14-15、19),达尔马提亚“多样性”的主张与她自己的统计数据相矛盾(12),而话语障碍则被破坏了。承认这种不对称互惠会加强殖民主义(17)。该作品以玛丽亚·托多罗娃(Maria Todorova)的作品的陈旧使用而结束,这某种程度上暗示着塞拉利(Serragli)和伊维切维奇(Ivičević)深陷于不对称关系中,自我强加的落后和温柔的求职能力正在某种程度上颠覆了他们的自卑感(25)。总体而言,本卷提供了许多原始而可靠的经验性著作,大体上说服力十足地描写和明晰地写着,目的是试图清除固定不变的“古老民族仇恨”和其他陈词滥调。然而,其将巴尔干的地缘政治,外交和经济才智作为原始欧洲人来构架仍然坚持“欧洲”作为一种评估标准,换句话说,是欧洲自由主义的职业,公民和经济假设,并且专门主题化了以下国家的愿望:建设精英。在这方面,它不属于凯瑟琳·贝克(Catherine Baker),纳塔莎·科瓦切维奇(NatašaKovačević)和杜尚·别列奇(DušanBjelić)等人在重要的后殖民主义理论工作之列,而这项工作无疑将使该领域受益。以及作为欧洲原始人的经济独创性仍然秉持“欧洲”作为评估标准,换句话说,是欧洲自由主义的专业,公民和经济假设,并且专门主题化了建国精英的志向。在这方面,它不属于凯瑟琳·贝克(Catherine Baker),纳塔莎·科瓦切维奇(NatašaKovačević)和杜尚·别列奇(DušanBjelić)等人在重要的后殖民主义理论工作之列,而这项工作无疑将使该领域受益。以及作为欧洲原始人的经济独创性仍然秉持“欧洲”作为评估标准,换句话说,是欧洲自由主义的专业,公民和经济假设,并且专门主题化了建国精英的志向。在这方面,它不属于凯瑟琳·贝克(Catherine Baker),纳塔莎·科瓦切维奇(NatašaKovačević)和杜尚·别列奇(DušanBjelić)等人在重要的后殖民主义理论工作之列,而这项工作无疑将使该领域受益。