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Canada and the challenges of globalization: a glass half empty, or half full?
Canadian Foreign Policy Journal Pub Date : 2018-09-02 , DOI: 10.1080/11926422.2018.1481872
Greg Donaghy 1 , Stéphane Roussel 1

ABSTRACT This special issue on Canada and the challenges of globalization since 1968 arises from a conference held in Ottawa to mark the publication in 2017 of the third volume in the official history of Canada’s department of external affairs: innovation and adaptation, 1968–84 (U of Toronto Press). Technological change, trade liberalisation, and a steadily expanding international agenda after 1968 heralded the arrival of globalization and placed External Affairs under great stress during the 1970s as it struggled to adapt. This collection explores Canada’s experiences with some of the key political, economic, security, and social themes associated with globalization after 1968. Rooted in a long and deep fifty-year perspective, these articles suggest that the changes wrought by globalization will not be easily undone despite today’s raging torrents of nationalist populism and economic protectionism. The challenges that confront Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government are hardly new, and will demand the same kind of frustrating and endless processes of innovation and adaptation that have characterized policymaking over the last fifty years.



摘要 本期关于加拿大和 1968 年以来全球化挑战的特刊出自在渥太华举行的一次会议,该会议旨在纪念 2017 年加拿大外交部官方历史第三卷的出版:创新与适应,1968-84(U多伦多出版社)。1968 年之后的技术变革、贸易自由化和稳步扩大的国际议程预示着全球化的到来,并使对外事务在 1970 年代努力适应时面临巨大压力。该系列探讨了加拿大在 1968 年之后与全球化相关的一些关键政治、经济、安全和社会主题的经验。植根于 50 年漫长而深刻的视角,这些文章表明,尽管当今民族主义民粹主义和经济保护主义汹涌澎湃,但全球化带来的变化不会轻易消除。总理贾斯汀·特鲁多 (Justin Trudeau) 政府所面临的挑战并不新鲜,而且将需要与过去 50 年来政策制定过程相同的令人沮丧和无休止的创新和适应过程。