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Martin Francis Biskowski (1962–2019)
California Archaeology Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/1947461x.2019.1592999
Mark W. Allen 1 , Mark E. Basgall 2 , Michael Delacorte 2 , Colleen M. Delaney 3 , James E. Snead 4 , David M. Zeanah 2

Marty Biskowski was raised in North Riverside, Illinois, with his three siblings Lawrence, Katherine, and Rosalie. Their parents, Sherlane and Joseph Biskowski, were pharmacists who celebrated their 50th anniversary in 2008. Legend has it that Marty was the only high school student in history to serve as an all-Chicago lineman and the Illinois State Junior Chess Champion at the same time. He received his undergraduate degree from Beloit College in Beloit, Wisconsin (class of 1984), and was a familiar figure in the Department of Anthropology’s Godfrey Lounge. J. Edson Way, one of his faculty advisers, described him as “quietly competent, always prepared, good humored, and easy-going... consistently himself throughout his life.” Other influential academic mentors were Daniel Shea (Anthropology) and Philip Straffin (Mathematics). Marty shared time at Beloit with many anthropologists now active in the profession, including Kirsten Brophy (Stamford Museum & Nature Center), James E. Snead (CSU Northridge), John Staeck (College of DuPage), Lisa K. Staten (Indiana University-Purdue University), and Mark Warner (University of Idaho). He was also a charter member of the Beloit College Midnight Land Polo Society. Marty began his graduate education in anthropology at UCLA in the fall of 1984, supported by a prestigious National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship. With his mathematical acumen, he brought to bear a wide range of


马丁·弗朗西斯·比斯科夫斯基 (1962–2019)

Marty Biskowski 和他的三个兄弟姐妹劳伦斯、凯瑟琳和罗莎莉在伊利诺伊州北河滨长大。他们的父母雪兰 (Sherlane) 和约瑟夫·比斯科夫斯基 (Joseph Biskowski) 是药剂师,他们在 2008 年庆祝了他们的 50 周年。传说马蒂是历史上唯一一位同时担任芝加哥全线选手和伊利诺伊州少年国际象棋冠军的高中生. 他在威斯康星州贝洛伊特的贝洛伊特学院获得本科学位(1984 届),是人类学系戈弗雷休息室的熟悉人物。他的一位教师顾问 J. Edson Way 将他描述为“安静能干、时刻准备着、幽默风趣、随和……在他的一生中始终如一。” 其他有影响力的学术导师是 Daniel Shea(人类学)和 Philip Straffin(数学)。Marty 与许多现在活跃于该行业的人类学家分享了在 Beloit 的时间,包括 Kirsten Brophy(斯坦福德博物馆和自然中心)、James E. Snead(CSU Northridge)、John Staeck(杜佩奇学院)、Lisa K. Staten(印第安纳大学-普渡大学)和马克华纳(爱达荷大学)。他还是 Beloit College Midnight Land Polo Society 的创始成员。Marty 于 1984 年秋季在加州大学洛杉矶分校开始了他的人类学研究生教育,并得到了著名的国家科学基金会研究生奖学金的支持。凭借他的数学敏锐度,他带来了广泛的 和马克华纳(爱达荷大学)。他还是 Beloit College Midnight Land Polo Society 的创始成员。Marty 于 1984 年秋季在加州大学洛杉矶分校开始了他的人类学研究生教育,并得到了著名的国家科学基金会研究生奖学金的支持。凭借他的数学敏锐度,他带来了广泛的 和马克华纳(爱达荷大学)。他还是 Beloit College Midnight Land Polo Society 的创始成员。Marty 于 1984 年秋季在加州大学洛杉矶分校开始了他的人类学研究生教育,并得到了著名的国家科学基金会研究生奖学金的支持。凭借他的数学敏锐度,他带来了广泛的