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Autumn 2019
Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/17432979.2019.1641261
Gill Westland 1 , Vicky Karkou 2

Dear Readers Welcome to our autumn issue. The articles presented here have a research focus representing different ways of researching. Within our professions there remains a gap between clinicians and researchers, but also between clinicians sharing their work. Clinicians gather knowledge and experiences and hone their skills daily with clients. Reflections on clinical work and framing these reflections through clearly identified research methodologies such as case studies can be an accessible way of sharing experiences. We certainly would welcome more articles based around case studies, particularly from body psychotherapists. Framing clinical experience as research can also become a way of retaining our intuitive and multilayered experiences of complex processes; certain types of methodologies such as phenomenology or heuristic inquiry enable this. Whilst it can seem extra work for the clinician, in the long run it benefits the professions to communicate our work to each other and other practitioners/researchers. This also stimulates thinking about our work and development. In the UK as this issue goes out, the UK Council for Psychotherapy will already have hosted its 2019 Research conference. Workshops included Using Your Own Experience as Research Data (Dr Angela Cotter, Sheila Butler) and Case Studies: Practitioner Friendly Research (Dr Mark Widdowson). Creative methods are also acknowledged through research workshops such as New and Creative Methods (Dr Angela Cotter, Sheila Butler, Julie Scully). The European Association for Body Psychotherapy has a research group to support practitioners. In October there will be a two-day event at University College, London on ‘Movement and Music in Therapy’ with presentations of research in dance movement psychotherapy and music therapy. Turning now to the articles, the first article from Israel by ShuperEngelhard, Maitri and Vulcan explores the role of dance movement psychotherapy as a couple therapy. Within this work, the focus stays on physical experiences and the transition from the verbal to the physical. As a research paper it gathers information from fourteen couples who participated in twelve sessions delivered by four therapists. Video and diaries kept by participants generated data that resulted in three key themes relevant to the therapeutic process: (a) narratives that are challenged; (b) reconstruction of the past in the present (c) moments of conflict getting intensified. All BODY, MOVEMENT AND DANCE IN PSYCHOTHERAPY 2019, VOL. 14, NO. 3, 125–127 https://doi.org/10.1080/17432979.2019.1641261



尊敬的读者:欢迎阅读我们的秋季刊。此处介绍的文章具有研究重点,代表了不同的研究方法。在我们的职业中,临床医生和研究人员之间以及在共享工作的临床医生之间仍然存在差距。临床医生每天会与客户收集知识和经验并磨练其技能。对临床工作的反思以及通过明确确定的研究方法(例如案例研究)来构筑这些反思可能是分享经验的一种便捷途径。我们当然会欢迎更多围绕案例研究的文章,特别是来自身体心理治疗师的文章。将临床经验作为研究框架也可以成为保留我们对复杂过程的直观和多层体验的一种方式;诸如现象学或启发式查询之类的某些类型的方法可以实现此目的。尽管对于临床医生来说似乎是额外的工作,但从长远来看,它有益于专业人士彼此之间以及与其他从业者/研究人员进行交流。这也激发了人们对我们的工作和发展的思考。在英国,随着该问题的发布,英国心理治疗委员会将已经主办了其2019年研究会议。讲习班包括利用自己的经验作为研究数据(Angela Cotter博士,希拉·巴特勒)和案例研究:从业者友好研究(Mark Widdowson博士)。创意方法也通过诸如新创意方法(Angela Cotter博士,Sheila Butler,Julie Scully)之类的研究研讨会得到认可。欧洲身体心理治疗协会设有一个研究小组,以支持从业者。10月,在伦敦大学学院将举行为期两天的活动,主题是“运动中的音乐”,并介绍舞蹈运动心理疗法和音乐疗法的研究成果。现在转到文章,ShuperEngelhard,Maitri和Vulcan在以色列发表的第一篇文章探讨了舞蹈运动心理疗法作为夫妻疗法的作用。在这项工作中,重点放在身体体验以及从语言到身体的过渡上。作为研究论文,它收集了来自十四对夫妇的信息,这些夫妇参加了由四位治疗师主持的十二届会议。参与者保存的视频和日记产生的数据导致了与治疗过程有关的三个关键主题:(a)受到挑战的叙述;(b)现在重建过去(c)冲突时刻愈演愈烈。全身,心理学的运动和舞蹈2019,VOL。14号 3,125–127 https://doi.org/10.1080/17432979.2019.1641261