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The (invisible) work of Dual Language Bilingual Education teachers
Bilingual Research Journal Pub Date : 2019-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/15235882.2019.1687111
Cathy Amanti 1

ABSTRACT The shortage of Dual Language Bilingual Education (DLBE) teachers is uncontested. Yet while we have focused on recruiting and preparing DLBE teachers, we have neglected exploring how to retain currently practicing DLBE teachers. This article presents a small-scale study of one aspect of DLBE teachers’ work – the selection and creation of curriculum materials in languages other than English. All six of the teachers interviewed for this study lack sufficient materials in the language in which they teach. To fill the gap, they translate English resources as well as create original material. None are given additional planning time and most state their administrators are unaware of the time they spend developing curriculum materials for their classrooms. Using an “invisible work” framework originally conceptualized by second-wave feminists, this study highlights the manner in which DLBE teachers’ bilingualism is perceived to be their natural way of being and therefore translating becomes an expected part of their job. It also highlights the importance of taking a critical look at the additional burdens DLBE teachers have in their work so that we ensure they do not lead to teacher attrition in a field where the teacher shortage is at crisis levels.



摘要 双语双语教育 (DLBE) 教师的短缺是无可争议的。然而,虽然我们专注于招聘和培养 DLBE 教师,但我们忽略了探索如何留住目前在职的 DLBE 教师。本文介绍了对 DLBE 教师工作的一个方面的小规模研究——英语以外语言的课程材料的选择和创作。本研究采访的所有六位教师都缺乏足够的教学语言材料。为了填补空白,他们翻译了英语资源并创作了原创材料。没有人获得额外的计划时间,并且大多数表示他们的管理员不知道他们花在为课堂开发课程材料上的时间。使用最初由第二波女权主义者概念化的“隐形工作”框架,这项研究强调了 DLBE 教师的双语能力被认为是他们的自然存在方式,因此翻译成为他们工作中预期的一部分。它还强调了批判性地审视 DLBE 教师在工作中的额外负担的重要性,以便我们确保他们不会在教师短缺处于危机水平的领域导致教师流失。