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Assessment of human skeletal remains from the Penhalonga district, Zimbabwe
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/0067270x.2020.1792199
Maryna Steyn 1 , Anja Meyer 1

ABSTRACT The Nyanga complex is situated in the Penhalonga district of Manicaland province in northern Zimbabwe. According to various archival and modern sources, six skeletons were discovered in this region in the 1930s and are supposedly curated in the Raymond A. Dart Collection of Archaeological Humans Remains at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. In an attempt to locate these skeletons and associate them with the sites, archival records, skeletal and faunal analyses and radiocarbon dating were used to gain more information on the bioarchaeology of the region. Only three of the skeletons could be located in the Dart Collection, two of which could be reliably radiocarbon dated, one from the Hill of Paintings to before the beginning of the Nyanga complex, the other, from Mkondwe, to most probably contemporary with it. The latter shows evidence of dental modification similar to that seen in individuals recovered from the Monk’s Kop site, situated to the north of Zimbabwe. This study forms part of a larger attempt to bring context to skeletons housed in archaeological collections because of their value as sources of information on the past.



摘要Nyanga建筑群位于津巴布韦北部Manicaland省的Penhalonga区。根据各种档案和现代资料,在1930年代在该地区发现了六具骨骼,据推测是在约翰内斯堡威特沃特斯兰德大学的Raymond A. Dart考古人类遗骸中策展的。为了找到这些骨骼并将其与遗址相关联,档案记录,骨骼和动物区系分析以及放射性碳年代测定法被用来获取有关该地区生物考古学的更多信息。Dart Collection中只能找到三个骨架,其中两个可以可靠地标明放射性碳年代,一个是从绘画山到Nyanga建筑群开始之前的,另一个是从Mkondwe到当代的骨架。后者显示出牙齿变形的证据,类似于从位于津巴布韦北部的和尚考普遗址中恢复的个体所见。这项研究是将考古背景中的骨骼带入过去的更大尝试的一部分,因为它们具有作为过去信息源的价值。