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Review Essay: The Dalkey Archive Press Library of Korean Literature
Translation Review Pub Date : 2016-09-01 , DOI: 10.1080/07374836.2016.1219562
Janet Poole

What considerations should come into play when planning a series for a national literature in translation? What are the principles of selection? What kind of editorial apparatus can help build the series into more than its constituent parts? And how much weight still falls on each individual translation? These are some of the questions posed by the new Library of Korean Literature from Dalkey Archive Press. “The Library of Korean Literature is unprecedented in its scope,” reads the press website (http://www.dalkeyarchive.com/product-tag/library-of-koreanliterature/) introducing the results of this recent collaboration with the Literature Translation Institute of Korea (hereafter LTI Korea). The statement refers to the unprecedented scale of the Library in comparison with the other national literature series published by the press. Yet, with its planned final total of twenty-five volumes, the Library is equally unprecedented in the history of attempts by a single press to introduce Korean literature in English translation. The last large scale launching of Korean language books into translation occurred in 2005, when the Republic of KoreawasGuest of Honor at the Frankfurt Book Fair. Back then, the Korea Literature Translation Institute—as it was then called—aimed to publish one hundred books, but these covered both fiction and non-fiction and appeared on a myriad of small presses in multiple languages. The Library of Korean Literature marks the first curated series of Korean literature in English translation and with the appearance of these five volumes in a second round of publications—the first ten volumes were published in 2013—its shape is beginning to emerge. The announcement of the Library aroused high hopes. Those with a pre-existing interest in Korean literature—whether as teachers, translators, or simply curious readers—have long been frustrated with the state of its translation into English. The problem lies less in whether a particular novel or poetry collection has been translated or not than in the nature of that translation.



在为民族文学翻译计划系列时应该考虑哪些因素?选择的原则是什么?什么样的编辑工具可以帮助将系列构建成比其组成部分更多的内容?每个单独的翻译还有多少权重?这些是 Dalkey Archive Press 的新韩国文学图书馆提出的一些问题。“韩国文学图书馆的范围是前所未有的,”新闻网站 (http://www.dalkeyarchive.com/product-tag/library-of-koreanliterature/) 介绍了最近与文学翻译合作的结果韩国研究所(以下简称 LTI 韩国)。声明指的是图书馆与出版社出版的其他国家文学系列相比,规模空前。然而,图书馆计划最终出版 25 卷,这在单一出版社尝试以英文翻译介绍韩国文学的历史上同样是史无前例的。上一次大规模推出韩语图书翻译是在 2005 年,当时大韩民国是法兰克福书展的主宾国。当时,韩国文学翻译院(当时的名称)旨在出版 100 本书,但这些书籍涵盖小说和非小说,并以多种语言出现在无数小型出版社上。韩国文学图书馆是首个精选的英文翻译韩国文学系列,随着这五卷在第二轮出版物中的出现——前十卷于2013年出版——它的形状开始显现。图书馆的宣布让人寄予厚望。那些对韩国文学已有兴趣的人——无论是作为教师、翻译者,还是仅仅是好奇的读者——长期以来一直对其翻译成英文的状态感到沮丧。问题不在于某个特定的小说或诗歌集是否已被翻译,而在于该翻译的性质。