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Sexy beasts: animistic ontology, sexuality and hunter-gatherer rock art in Northern Fennoscandia
Time and Mind Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/1751696x.2019.1645528
Antti Lahelma 1

ABSTRACT A wide range of rock art sites associated with hunter-gatherer populations in Northern Fennoscandia depict scenes where men, women and animals (usually elk or deer) are involved in a sexually charged act. For instance, at Nämforsen (Sweden) and Kanozero (north-western Russia), elks appear to be ‘monitoring’ a human couple having sex. Ithyphallic figures accompanied by animals are found at several sites, such as Kanozero, where an ithyphallic figure brandishing an elk-headed staff is faced by a capercaillie. Even acts of zoophilia, or humans in sexual congress with animals, appear to be depicted at a number of sites. These scenes are here approached in the light of an animistic ontology and the notion of perspectivism, introduced by Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, where non-human beings are entangled in social and thus also sexual relations with humans. In the ethnographic sources pertaining to northern circumpolar cultures, hunting is perceived as a sexual act, where each kill involves seducing the prey. In northern and eastern parts of Finland and Karelia, this mentality persisted well into the historical period, as evidenced by hunting spells and ceremonies recorded in the 19th Century.



摘要 芬诺斯坎迪亚北部与狩猎采集人口相关的范围广泛的岩石艺术遗址描绘了男人、女人和动物(通常是麋鹿或鹿)参与性行为的场景。例如,在 Nämforsen(瑞典)和 Kanozero(俄罗斯西北部),麋鹿似乎在“监视”一对发生性关系的人类夫妇。在几个地点发现了伴随着动物的 Ithyphallic 人物,例如 Kanozero,在那里,一个挥舞着麋鹿头工作人员的 ithyphallic 人物面对的是一只山羊。甚至动物癖或人类与动物发生性关系的行为,似乎也出现在许多网站上。这些场景在这里是根据 Eduardo Viveiros de Castro 引入的万物有灵论本体论和透视主义概念来处理的,在这里,非人类陷入社会关系,从而也与人类发生性关系。在有关北极圈文化的民族志资料中,狩猎被视为性行为,每次杀戮都涉及引诱猎物。在芬兰北部和东部以及卡累利阿,这种心态一直持续到历史时期,19 世纪记录的狩猎法术和仪式证明了这一点。