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Accountability of regulators through adaptable legal norms
The Theory and Practice of Legislation Pub Date : 2018-09-02 , DOI: 10.1080/20508840.2019.1632051
Mirko Pečarič 1

ABSTRACT Although the future is hard to predict, general legal rules do always address it. And while abstractness and generality are, by their pro futuro orientation, fundamental elements in the principle of equality, regulators usually cannot predict future events. This paper addresses this problem and gives a regulatory solution in the form of negative legislation and adaptable norms based on negative thinking. Regulators should look for negative and absent consequences, and based on them frame different future legal scenarios with different thresholds for different legal actions. When faced with different input data, a proposed legal norm switches its meaning (legal demand) like an electric relay. The proposed approach can avoid difficulties with the calculation of future probabilities, interpretation of discretionary norms or legal principles by building future elements into a decision-maker’s frame. Accountability and transparency can, therefore, be placed on a higher level. When a possibility of negative events can be rationally predicted, a legislator could be accountable when to these events the appropriate legal actions/rules were not legally prescribed before their appearance. When a possibility of negative events can be rationally predicted, a legislator could be accountable when to these events the appropriate legal actions/rules were not legally prescribed before their appearance.



摘要 尽管未来很难预测,但一般法律规则总是会解决这个问题。虽然抽象性和一般性,从其面向未来的方向来看,是平等原则的基本要素,但监管机构通常无法预测未来事件。本文解决了这个问题,并以消极立法和基于消极思维的适应性规范的形式给出了监管解决方案。监管者应该寻找负面和不存在的后果,并在此基础上为不同的法律行动制定不同的未来法律情景。当面对不同的输入数据时,提议的法律规范会像继电器一样转换其含义(法律要求)。所提出的方法可以避免计算未来概率的困难,通过将未来要素纳入决策者的框架来解释自由裁量规范或法律原则。因此,可以将问责制和透明度置于更高的水平。当可以合理预测发生负面事件的可能性时,立法者可以对这些事件何时在它们出现之前没有法律规定适当的法律行动/规则负责。当可以合理预测发生负面事件的可能性时,立法者可以对这些事件何时在它们出现之前没有法律规定适当的法律行动/规则负责。立法者可以对何时在这些事件出现之前没有在法律上规定适当的法律行动/规则负责。当可以合理预测发生负面事件的可能性时,立法者可以对这些事件何时在它们出现之前没有法律规定适当的法律行动/规则负责。立法者可以对何时在这些事件出现之前没有在法律上规定适当的法律行动/规则负责。当可以理性地预测负面事件的可能性时,立法者可以对这些事件何时在它们出现之前没有在法律上规定适当的法律行动/规则负责。