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Glasgow Museums: The ship models, a history and complete illustrated catalogue
The Mariner's Mirror Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00253359.2020.1740442
Michael Leek 1

ports. The ports could not be closed without first pulling the loaded guns back inboard, which meant hauling them uphill against the increasing list of the ship. There was no way to close the ports in time, regardless of how the lids were operated, which makes the arrangement irrelevant to the sinking. A proper discussion of the ship’s stability requires much more than a calculation of the angle at which water runs in the gunports. A ship with good initial stability can withstand a small amount of water through the ports. To understand how and why the ship sank, one needs to determine the location of the key hydrostatic points, such as the centre of buoyancy, the centre of gravity, and the metacentre, and how the centre of buoyancy moves as the ship heels. This requires, as a start, a calculation of the ship’s actual displacement at likely waterlines, which itself requires an accurate record of the hull shape below the water. This should be readily achievable, since the starboard side is preserved to well above the gunports, but does not feature here. The author’s conclusion, that the ship was dangerously unstable because it was overloaded with guns, is largely based on assumption, rather than scientific analysis of hydrostatic or hydrodynamic data. In the end the author lays the blame squarely on the king. Because Henry VIII overloaded the ship with guns, he sank it. This ignores the logical principles of modern accident investigation in favour of sensationalism. Henry may well have contributed to the loss by ordering inappropriate changes in the ship and its armament, but it is the captain’s responsibility to sail the ship safely, and neither one of them controls the weather or the actions of the enemy. This type of simplistic blamestorming echoes the popular myth in which Gustav Adolf was responsible for the sinking of Vasa by adding a second deck of guns to the ship. It is a potentially popular ‘bombshell’ ending for a modern, anti-elitist audience, but it is nowhere near the full story. fred hocker stockholm http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00253359.2020.1740441 © Fred Hocker Glasgow Museums: The ship models, a history and complete illustrated catalogue by E. Malcolm and M. R. Harrison Seaforth Publishing in conjunction with Glasgow Museums, 2019, £35.00 (hb) 374 pages, illustrated, index isbn 9781526757524



端口。如果不首先将装载的火炮拉回船内,就无法关闭港口,这意味着将它们拖上山,以对抗不断增加的船名。无论盖子如何操作,都无法及时关闭端口,这使得布置与下沉无关。对船舶稳定性的正确讨论需要的不仅仅是计算炮口中水流的角度。具有良好初始稳定性的船舶可以承受通过港口的少量水。要了解船舶沉没的原因和原因,需要确定关键静水点的位置,例如浮心、重心和超中心,以及浮心如何随着船的横倾而移动。这需要,作为开始,在可能的吃水线上计算船舶的实际排水量,这本身需要准确记录水下船体形状。这应该很容易实现,因为右舷被保留在炮口上方,但这里没有。作者的结论是,这艘船由于火炮超载而处于危险的不稳定状态,这在很大程度上是基于假设,而不是对流体静力学或流体动力学数据的科学分析。最后,作者直接将责任推到了国王身上。因为亨利八世的火炮使这艘船超载,他把它击沉了。这忽视了现代事故调查的逻辑原则,而倾向于耸人听闻。亨利很可能通过下令对船舶及其武器进行不适当的改动而造成了损失,但安全航行是船长的责任,他们中的任何一个都无法控制天气或敌人的行动。这种简单化的责备风暴呼应了古斯塔夫·阿道夫(Gustav Adolf)通过在船上增加了第二层火炮而对沉没瓦萨负责的流行神话。对于现代、反精英主义的观众来说,这是一个潜在流行的“重磅炸弹”结局,但离完整故事还差得很远。fred hocker 斯德哥尔摩 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00253359.2020.1740441 © Fred Hocker 格拉斯哥博物馆:E. Malcolm 和 MR Harrison Seaforth 与格拉斯哥博物馆联合出版的船舶模型、历史和完整插图目录,2 , £35.00 (hb) 374 页,插图,索引 isbn 9781526757524 这种简单化的责备风暴呼应了古斯塔夫·阿道夫(Gustav Adolf)通过在船上增加了第二层火炮而对沉没瓦萨负责的流行神话。对于现代、反精英主义的观众来说,这是一个潜在流行的“重磅炸弹”结局,但离完整故事还差得很远。fred hocker 斯德哥尔摩 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00253359.2020.1740441 © Fred Hocker 格拉斯哥博物馆:E. Malcolm 和 MR Harrison Seaforth 与格拉斯哥博物馆联合出版的船舶模型、历史和完整插图目录,2 , £35.00 (hb) 374 页,插图,索引 isbn 9781526757524 这种简单化的责备风暴呼应了古斯塔夫·阿道夫(Gustav Adolf)通过在船上增加了第二层火炮而对沉没瓦萨负责的流行神话。对于现代、反精英主义的观众来说,这是一个潜在流行的“重磅炸弹”结局,但离完整故事还差得很远。fred hocker 斯德哥尔摩 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00253359.2020.1740441 © Fred Hocker 格拉斯哥博物馆:E. Malcolm 和 MR Harrison Seaforth 与格拉斯哥博物馆联合出版的船舶模型、历史和完整插图目录,2 , £35.00 (hb) 374 页,插图,索引 isbn 9781526757524 但这远不是完整的故事。fred hocker 斯德哥尔摩 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00253359.2020.1740441 © Fred Hocker 格拉斯哥博物馆:E. Malcolm 和 MR Harrison Seaforth 与格拉斯哥博物馆联合出版的船舶模型、历史和完整插图目录,2 , £35.00 (hb) 374 页,插图,索引 isbn 9781526757524 但这远不是完整的故事。fred hocker 斯德哥尔摩 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00253359.2020.1740441 © Fred Hocker 格拉斯哥博物馆:E. Malcolm 和 MR Harrison Seaforth 与格拉斯哥博物馆联合出版的船舶模型、历史和完整插图目录,2 , £35.00 (hb) 374 页,插图,索引 isbn 9781526757524