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Villa Diodati
The Keats-Shelley Review Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/09524142.2018.1520467
Andrew Mitchell

1 Fearless in strife but not inglorious, he fell from the Plains of Heaven, powder blackened face scarred by thunder, tearless with resolve to sin: spiralling downwards, archangelic wings singed, smoking from the last cannon blast, a tailed meteor flames lawless through the void of space. Considers evil might become good without pity, love or fear, a mind made crooked to maul and vex, torture into restless ecstasy. Passing as he falls galaxies, spiral and elliptical in shape. Still formed for eternity, archangel’s brightness mirrors each galactic halo. Sees new worlds formed for a new race, lanterns of opal light in dark space where time began. Brows dauntless with courage consider hell in self, in air, in earth’s centre and the bottomless gulf of chaos. Weighs in weightless air his faults against his wrongs, accepts the dark reflection of deity as his lot, for ever falling through universal silence.



1 不畏纷争但不光彩,他从天原坠落,被雷霆所伤粉黑的脸庞,带着犯罪的决心不流泪:盘旋而下,大天使的翅膀被烧焦,最后一炮轰鸣冒烟,一颗尾流星的火焰无法无天地穿过没有空间。考虑到邪恶可能会在没有怜悯、爱或恐惧的情况下变成善,一个被扭曲的心灵被伤害和烦恼,折磨成不安的狂喜。当他坠落星系时经过,螺旋形和椭圆形。仍然形成永恒,大天使的亮度反映了每个银河光环。看到为一个新种族形成的新世界,在时间开始的黑暗空间中的蛋白石灯笼。眉毛不屈不挠的勇气考虑地狱在自己,在空气中,在地球的中心和混沌的无底深渊。在失重的空气中权衡他的错误和错误,