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The Revolt of Islam, Postcolonialism and the Arab Springs: The ‘Worth of Human Nature’ in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries
The Keats-Shelley Review Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/09524142.2018.1520465
Pietro Deandrea 1

ABSTRACT While hope is repeatedly present in Shelley’s The Revolt of Islam, two centuries later global politics seems stifled by a domination of terror, war and liberticidal power structures, echoing the poem’s ‘brotherhood of ill’. This article reflects on Revolt’s continuing relevance for the sustenance of hope amongst contemporary progressive movements. It focuses on the strategies to re-kindle hope and utopian visions that Shelley’s imagery hints at, and relates them to some aspects of the Arab Springs: these strategies are identified as Godwinian liberating truth, underground forces, symbolic locations and the endurance of culture and education.



摘要 虽然希望在雪莱的《伊斯兰起义》中反复出现,但两个世纪后的全球政治似乎被恐怖、战争和自由主义权力结构的统治所扼杀,呼应了这首诗的“病友兄弟会”。这篇文章反映了 Revolt 对当代进步运动中希望的延续的持续相关性。它侧重于重新点燃雪莱意象所暗示的希望和乌托邦愿景的策略,并将它们与阿拉伯之泉的某些方面联系起来:这些策略被认为是戈德温式的解放真理、地下力量、象征性地点以及文化和教育。