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Kindred Spirits in an Age of Political Censure: The Revolt of Islam and the Example of Mary Wollstonecraft
The Keats-Shelley Review Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/09524142.2018.1520462
Fiore Sireci 1

ABSTRACT In the introduction to the poem The Revolt of Islam (1818), Percy Bysshe Shelley presents himself as the embattled defender of the French Revolution, and offers a vision of how he expects his ideas to survive the hostile public sphere of his time. Shelley invokes the memory of Mary Wollstonecraft, the mother of his wife Mary. This article argues that Wollstonecraft was a well-chosen exemplar, and details how, in the 1790s, she had situated herself in a sharply politicized print culture, identified the audiences she expected to engage, and created the persona of the fearless woman as orator.



摘要 在诗歌《伊斯兰的起义》(1818 年)的介绍中,珀西·比希·雪莱将自己描述为法国大革命的四面楚歌的捍卫者,并提供了一个愿景,即他希望自己的想法如何在他那个时代充满敌意的公共领域中幸存下来。雪莱唤起了对他妻子玛丽的母亲玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特的回忆。这篇文章认为沃斯通克拉夫特是一个精心挑选的榜样,并详细说明了在 1790 年代,她如何将自己置于一个高度政治化的印刷文化中,确定她希望接触的观众,并塑造了作为演说家的无畏女性的形象。