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Creativity at Work: Miners and Quarrymen in Tuscany
The Journal of Modern Craft Pub Date : 2018-09-02 , DOI: 10.1080/17496772.2018.1550867
Giovanni Contini

Abstract Miners and Quarrymen have long been considered unskilled. The article states how that belief was not true, and how, instead, those workers possessed a complex workmenship. The process of extraction of the mineral was in fact very variable, and for this reason it was very dangerous. The workers were forced to develop a strong skill in order to save their lives. But then that workmenship became a more general knowledge. They were able to tell not only how to secure the excavation front, but also where the mineral to be extracted was. The company directions, which on one hand denied that the workers possessed a workmanship, on the other hand depended even on their opinion in order to organize the work in the mines and in the quarries.



摘要 长期以来,矿工和采石工一直被认为是不熟练的。文章说明了这种信念是如何不正确的,以及这些工人如何拥有复杂的手艺。矿物的提取过程实际上变化很大,因此非常危险。为了挽救他们的生命,工人们被迫发展一项强大的技能。但后来这种工艺成为一种更普遍的知识。他们不仅能够告知如何确保挖掘前沿的安全,还能告知要提取的矿物在哪里。公司的指示一方面否认工人拥有手艺,另一方面甚至依靠他们的意见来组织矿山和采石场的工作。