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Rebellion and Resistance in French Indochina in the First World War
The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History Pub Date : 2019-12-25 , DOI: 10.1080/03086534.2019.1706800
Jonathan Krause 1

ABSTRACT The First World War was not merely a clash of empires, it was also a clash within empires. This fact remains largely ignored despite the dozens of anticolonial uprisings around the world which erupted during, and as a result of, the war. In 1916 alone there were uprisings across French North, West and Equatorial Africa, in Portuguese Angola and Mozambique, the Middle East, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and Ireland. Most of these uprisings were responding both to European efforts to extract resources (especially manpower) from the colonies to support the war effort, whilst also taking advantage of the reduced presence of European troops in Asia and Africa as men were recalled from the colonies to take part in the war in Europe. This article examines anticolonial rebellions in French Indochina, especially the attack on Saigon Central Prison in 1916, as a case study in the wider global history of anticolonial rebellion during the Frist World War. Examination of this rebellion shows how the First World War not only generated the opportunities and challenges which led to a surge of anticolonial uprisings around the world, but also changed the political, social and religious character of anticolonial struggle in Indochina. This article offers a reappraisal of the global and imperial consequences of the First World War, and argues that anticolonialism should be more central in our discussion and memory of the conflict.



摘要 第一次世界大战不仅是帝国之间的冲突,也是帝国内部的冲突。尽管在战争期间和战争后世界各地爆发了数十次反殖民起义,但这一事实在很大程度上仍然被忽视。仅在 1916 年,法属北非、西非和赤道非洲、葡萄牙的安哥拉和莫桑比克、中东、中亚、东南亚和爱尔兰就发生了起义。这些起义大多是对欧洲从殖民地榨取资源(特别是人力)以支持战争努力的回应,同时也利用欧洲军队在亚洲和非洲的存在减少,因为人们从殖民地召回了参加欧洲战争。本文考察了法属印度支那的反殖民叛乱,特别是 1916 年对西贡中央监狱的袭击,作为第一次世界大战期间更广泛的全球反殖民叛乱历史的案例研究。对这次叛乱的考察表明,第一次世界大战不仅产生了导致世界各地反殖民起义激增的机遇和挑战,而且改变了印度支那反殖民斗争的政治、社会和宗教性质。本文重新评估了第一次世界大战的全球和帝国后果,并认为反殖民主义应该在我们对这场冲突的讨论和记忆中更加重要。对这次叛乱的考察表明,第一次世界大战不仅产生了导致世界各地反殖民起义激增的机遇和挑战,而且改变了印度支那反殖民斗争的政治、社会和宗教性质。本文重新评估了第一次世界大战的全球和帝国后果,并认为反殖民主义应该在我们对这场冲突的讨论和记忆中更加重要。对这次叛乱的考察表明,第一次世界大战不仅产生了导致世界各地反殖民起义激增的机遇和挑战,而且改变了印度支那反殖民斗争的政治、社会和宗教性质。本文重新评估了第一次世界大战的全球和帝国后果,并认为反殖民主义应该在我们对这场冲突的讨论和记忆中更加重要。