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Students as Consumers: Retaining Engineering Students by Designing Learner-Centric Courses of Value
The Journal of Continuing Higher Education Pub Date : 2020-09-02 , DOI: 10.1080/07377363.2020.1786342
Jeff Chernosky , Jerry Ausburn , Rebecca Curtis


The global economy’s dependency upon engineers is exacerbated by a lack of qualified engineers. Most engineering students fail to complete the credential. According to the American Society for Engineering Education (2018), the high dropout rate has been correlated to satisfaction with the learning experience. Investigation of an international accelerated blended distance program designed for adult learners at a large southwestern university requiring a redesign of courses was selected for this study. The researchers wanted to identify the key components of satisfaction and student engagement, then develop an equitable instructional design model. The mixed-methods study utilized the three elements of the Community of Inquiry as the theoretical lens. The study attempted to identify the key course characteristics which could increase satisfaction and reduce dropout rates. Design components, grades, and satisfaction rates were studied. Performance data (grades) were examined and indicated no significant correlation between grades and satisfaction. Six suggested areas for enhancement were faculty interaction, authenticity, student-to-student engagement, feedback, multimedia, and homework. Through an evaluation of the quality of the courses and satisfaction, design standards could be established, resulting in quality-of-life enhancement.




缺乏合格的工程师加剧了全球经济对工程师的依赖。大多数工程专业的学生未能完成证书。根据美国工程教育学会(2018 年)的说法,高辍学率与对学习体验的满意度有关。本研究选择了对需要重新设计课程的西南大学的成人学习者设计的国际加速混合远程课程的调查。研究人员希望确定满意度和学生参与度的关键组成部分,然后开发一个公平的教学设计模型。混合方法研究利用调查社区的三个要素作为理论视角。该研究试图确定可以提高满意度和降低辍学率的关键课程特征。研究了设计组件、等级和满意度。检查了绩效数据(等级)并表明等级和满意度之间没有显着相关性。六个建议改进的领域是教师互动、真实性、学生对学生的参与、反馈、多媒体和家庭作业。通过对课程质量和满意度的评估,可以建立设计标准,从而提高生活质量。真实性、学生对学生的参与、反馈、多媒体和家庭作业。通过对课程质量和满意度的评估,可以建立设计标准,从而提高生活质量。真实性、学生对学生的参与、反馈、多媒体和家庭作业。通过对课程质量和满意度的评估,可以建立设计标准,从而提高生活质量。
