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The Blockade on Qatar: Conflict Management Failings
The International Spectator Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/03932729.2020.1739847
Beverley Milton-Edwards 1

ABSTRACT Current tensions in the Gulf region highlight the persistence of crises and conflict. A number of states within the area now regularly engage in interventionist actions that challenge previously held norms of sovereignty and non-intervention. Fragmentation characterises what were once considered fairly robust structures of unity and enduring regional organisation. Theoretical norms that presuppose non-intervention are tested by new forms of coercion and interventionism among Gulf actors that exacerbate rather than resolve security dilemmas. In turn, this highlights the inadequacies of normative models of conflict management and resolution, and in particular mediation. These developments are examined in the case of the blockade against Qatar instituted by Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in June 2017.



摘要 海湾地区当前的紧张局势凸显了危机和冲突的持续存在。该地区的一些国家现在经常参与挑战先前持有的主权和不干预规范的干预行动。分裂是曾经被认为相当强大的统一结构和持久区域组织的特征。以不干预为先决条件的理论规范受到海湾行为者之间新形式的胁迫和干预的考验,这些新形式加剧而不是解决安全困境。反过来,这凸显了冲突管理和解决规范模型的不足,尤其是调解。这些事态发展在巴林、埃及、沙特阿拉伯和阿拉伯联合酋长国于 2017 年 6 月对卡塔尔实施的封锁中得到了检验。