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Enduring Myth: The Survival of the Unfit in Sophocles, Heiner Müller, Ursula Krechel, and Hans Blumenberg
The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00168890.2020.1751041
Ellwood Wiggins 1

Abstract To endure and to survive appear as synonyms in dictionaries, but the fates of the two words in the popular imagination have taken opposite tracks. ‘Endurance’ has enjoyed literary cache and wide admiration since the Homeric epics. One of Odysseus’ most common epithets in the Odyssey is polutlās, “much-enduring.” Endurance points to a capacity to suffer hardship, and has been lauded as a heroic virtue in many cultures. This passive submission to suffering, however, has lost its luster in recent generations. Since Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe in the eighteenth century, and since Darwin and Spencer in the late nineteenth, “survival” has slowly begun to supplant “endurance” as an admirable goal. In many biological and sociological works, as well as in popular culture, “to survive” implies an active, seeking will. I claim that the metaphor of survival has “re-occupied,” to speak with Hans Blumenberg, the older role of endurance in a variety of modern discourses. My essay explores this shift by reading three stranded island narratives: Sophocles’ Philoctetes (409 BCE), Heiner Müller’s Philoktet (1964), and Ursula Krechel’s Stimmen aus dem harten Kern (2005). The evidence of these texts allows me to interrogate Blumenberg’s metaphor of survival in his claims about the work of and on myth. The language of survival, so pervasive in today’s scientific, economic, and sociological discourses, was born out of the death and resurrection of earlier forms of passive perseverance.



摘要 忍受与生存在字典中以同义词出现,但在大众想象中这两个词的命运却背道而驰。自荷马史诗以来,“耐力”一直享有文学收藏和广泛的钦佩。Odysseus 在 Odyssey 中最常见的形容词之一是 polutlās,“非常持久”。忍耐是指承受苦难的能力,在许多文化中都被誉为英雄美德。然而,这种被动地屈服于痛苦,在最近几代人中已经失去了光彩。自 18 世纪笛福的鲁滨逊漂流记,以及 19 世纪后期的达尔文和斯宾塞以来,“生存”已经慢慢开始取代“耐力”成为令人钦佩的目标。在许多生物学和社会学著作以及流行文化中,“生存”意味着积极的、寻求的意志。我声称生存的隐喻已经“重新占据”,用汉斯·布鲁门伯格的话说,忍耐在各种现代话语中的古老角色。我的文章通过阅读三个搁浅的岛屿叙事来探索这种转变:索福克勒斯的《菲罗克泰特》(公元前 409 年)、海纳·穆勒的《菲洛克泰特》(1964 年)和乌苏拉·克雷切尔的《Stimmen aus dem harten Kern》(2005 年)。这些文本的证据使我能够质疑布鲁门伯格在关于神话作品和神话作品的主张中对生存的隐喻。在今天的科学、经济和社会学话语中如此普遍的生存语言诞生于早期被动毅力形式的死亡和复活。Sophocles 的 Philoctetes(公元前 409 年)、Heiner Müller 的 Philoktet(1964 年)和 Ursula Krechel 的 Stimmen aus dem harten Kern(2005 年)。这些文本的证据使我能够质疑布鲁门伯格在关于神话作品和神话作品的主张中对生存的隐喻。在今天的科学、经济和社会学话语中如此普遍的生存语言诞生于早期被动毅力形式的死亡和复活。Sophocles 的 Philoctetes(公元前 409 年)、Heiner Müller 的 Philoktet(1964 年)和 Ursula Krechel 的 Stimmen aus dem harten Kern(2005 年)。这些文本的证据使我能够质疑布鲁门伯格在关于神话作品和神话作品的主张中对生存的隐喻。在今天的科学、经济和社会学话语中如此普遍的生存语言诞生于早期被动毅力形式的死亡和复活。