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Understanding College Readiness: The Limitations of Information and the Possibilities of Cultural Integrity
The Educational Forum Pub Date : 2019-11-06 , DOI: 10.1080/00131725.2020.1672003
Suneal Kolluri 1 , William G. Tierney 2

ABSTRACT The college readiness of high school graduates has become a core objective of the education policy of the United States. Early college readiness programs now exist in 38 states, and early college transition curricula have been developed in 29 states. This article evaluates the oldest of these programs, the Early Assessment Program (EAP), operated through the California State University (CSU) system. The authors argue that the EAP, grounded in enhanced information and choice – tenets of rational choice theory – is inadequate to meet the goals of the university. Remediation challenges at the CSU have remained substantial. An early college readiness program that also incorporates the theory of cultural integrity will have a more substantive impact on college readiness, particularly for marginalized youth.



摘要 高中毕业生的大学准备已成为美国教育政策的核心目标。现在有 38 个州存在早期大学准备计划,并且已经在 29 个州制定了早期大学过渡课程。本文评估了这些计划中最古老的计划,即通过加州州立大学 (CSU) 系统运营的早期评估计划 (EAP)。作者认为,基于增强信息和选择(理性选择理论的原则)的 EAP 不足以实现大学的目标。CSU 的修复挑战仍然很严峻。一个同时融入文化完整性理论的早期大学准备计划将对大学准备产生更实质性的影响,特别是对边缘化青年。