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Living and Learning at the Intersections of Identity and Community: Facilitating Theatre of the Oppressed Workshops with Educators
The Educational Forum Pub Date : 2019-09-03 , DOI: 10.1080/00131725.2019.1625473
Liz Foster-Shaner 1 , Beth Sondel 2 , Gretchen Generett 3 , Michelle King 4

Abstract For the past year, we have been co-facilitating Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) workshops across Pittsburgh, tailored specifically toward local educators and educational activists. The overarching intentions of these workshops were twofold: (a) to cultivate educators’ understanding of and response to how power and privilege operate in educational systems; and (b) to provide useful tools for educators to continue these conversations and dismantle systems of oppression in their places of practice. As a collective of facilitators and in our workshops, we attempt to create, even if briefly, a beloved community where participants are invited to bring their full, human selves and engage in nuanced reflection in the hopes of creating a more compassionate, just, and equitable society. Like our workshops, the purpose of this article is both practical and theoretical: (a) to provide tangible tools to those readers interested in facilitating TO workshops for educators; and (b) to contribute to our understanding of how TO can serve to cultivate educators’ analysis of oppression.



摘要 在过去的一年里,我们一直在共同促进匹兹堡的被压迫者剧院 (TO) 讲习班,专门为当地教育工作者和教育活动家量身定制。这些讲习班的总体意图是双重的:(a) 培养教育工作者对权力和特权如何在教育系统中运作的理解和反应;(b) 为教育工作者提供有用的工具,以继续进行这些对话并拆除其实践场所的压迫制度。作为一个促进者的集体,在我们的工作坊中,我们试图创建一个受人喜爱的社区,即使是短暂的,在这个社区中,参与者被邀请展现他们完整的人性并进行细致入微的反思,希望创造一个更富有同情心、公正和公平的社会。就像我们的工作室一样,这篇文章的目的既是实践性的,也是理论性的:(a) 为那些有兴趣为教育工作者举办 TO 研讨会的读者提供有形的工具;(b) 有助于我们理解 TO 如何有助于培养教育工作者对压迫的分析。