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Facilitating cross-cleavage communication online: Findings from interviews with ultra-Orthodox, religious, and secular participants
The Communication Review Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/10714421.2018.1495434
Azi Lev-On 1 , Sabina Lissitsa 1

ABSTRACT One of the key questions addressed by the study of online social media is whether or not they facilitate cross-cleavage communication between users of different nationality, ethnicity, religiosity, and other group affiliations. This study contributes to the literature by addressing communication across religious cleavages, which has scarcely received attention. The study is based on 97 semistructured interviews of a layered sample. Of the respondents, 40 were secular (21 men and 19 women), 28 Modern Orthodox (14 men and 14 women), and 29 ultra-Orthodox (11 men and 18 women). We found that groups differing by their majority/minority status and type of religious observance used the Internet for different purposes. Many secular respondents (members of the majority group in Israel) were motivated to make contact on social media by social needs. On the other hand, ultra-Orthodox respondents (members of the minority group) were exclusively focused on professional objectives as a motivation to use social media. Consequently, their online behaviors were quite different and they more frequently encounter people from groups differing by type of religious observance through social media.



摘要 在线社交媒体研究解决的关键问题之一是它们是否促进了不同国籍、种族、宗教信仰和其他群体隶属关系的用户之间的交叉沟通。这项研究通过解决几乎没有受到关注的跨宗教分歧的交流来为文献做出贡献。该研究基于分层样本的 97 次半结构化访谈。在受访者中,40 人是世俗的(21 名男性和 19 名女性)、28 名现代正统派(14 名男性和 14 名女性)和 29 名极端正统派(11 名男性和 18 名女性)。我们发现,因多数/少数身份和宗教仪式类型而不同的群体出于不同目的使用互联网。许多世俗受访者(以色列多数群体的成员)出于社交需求而在社交媒体上进行联系。另一方面,极端正统派受访者(少数群体成员)只关注职业目标,以此作为使用社交媒体的动机。因此,他们的在线行为大不相同,他们更频繁地通过社交媒体遇到来自不同宗教信仰群体的人。