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Kinship and Aesthetic Depth: The Tableau Vivant in Goethe’s Wahlverwandtschaften
Publications of the English Goethe Society Pub Date : 2018-09-02 , DOI: 10.1080/09593683.2018.1519924
Heidi Schlipphacke 1

ABSTRACT Johann Wolfgang Goethe famously includes performances of tableaux vivants in Die Wahlverwandtschaften. The tableau vivant bridges social classes, kinship models, and aesthetic media (painting, sculpture, and drama). This essay argues that the representation of tableaux vivants in Goethe’s novel invites reflections on shifting social forms in the Goethezeit. In dialogue with G.W.F Hegel’s expressed frustration with Goethe’s inclusion of the tableau vivant in his novel, the essay contends that a hybrid aesthetic informs Die Wahlverwandtschaften, complicating assumptions about the centrality of interiority and aesthetic depth in the novel. A semiotics of the tableau vivant is intrinsic to Goethe’s work, inviting a critical reflection on developing kinship structures in the nineteenth century and on the concomitant development of the interior subject in the modern novel.


亲属关系和审美深度:歌德选修课程中的Tableau Vivant

摘要约翰·沃尔夫冈·歌德(Johann Wolfgang Goethe)着名的《选修亲戚》中有舞动的表演。画面生动的人在社会阶层,血缘关系模型和审美媒体(绘画,雕塑和戏剧)之间架起了桥梁。本文认为,歌德小说中场面活泼的人的表现引发了人们对歌德时代社会形态转变的反思。在与GWF黑格尔对歌德在其小说中加入画面化身表达的挫败感进行对话时,文章认为,混合美学为Die Wahlverwanderschaften提供了信息,使关于小说内在性和美学深度的中心性假设变得复杂。歌德作品的本质是符号化的符号学,