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Anticipating Northern Ireland’s post-Agreement novel: narrative suspension in Deirdre Madden’s One by One in the Darkness
Irish Studies Review Pub Date : 2020-03-23 , DOI: 10.1080/09670882.2020.1740398
Birte Heidemann 1

ABSTRACT This article reads Deirdre Madden’s novel One by One in the Darkness (1996) as a transitional text from post-ceasefire to post-Agreement Northern Irish fiction. The article does so by taking into account the novel’s sceptical treatment of a possible peace agreement through various modes of narrative suspension, something that would find a renewed expression in the works of fiction published in the aftermath of the Good Friday Agreement. Madden’s retrospective narration anticipates the Agreement’s rhetorical suspension of the country’s violent history even before it was signed in 1998 and in doing so, it certainly paved way to post-Agreement fiction’s penchant for re-imagining the past. The reading seeks to explore the novel’s proleptic potential in anticipating post-Agreement Northern Ireland’s suspended political situation through three interrelated conceptual frames – Benita Parry’s “anachrony”, Marcel Proust’s “involuntary memory” and Paul Ricoeur’s “affective trace”.


期待北爱尔兰的后协议小说:Deirdre Madden 的《黑暗中的一对一》中的叙事暂停

摘要 本文将迪尔德丽·马登 (Deirdre Madden) 的小说《黑暗中的一个人》(1996) 视为从停火后到协议后的北爱尔兰小说的过渡文本。这篇文章是通过考虑到小说通过各种叙事暂停模式对可能的和平协议的怀疑态度来实现的,这将在耶稣受难日协议之后出版的小说作品中找到新的表达方式。麦登的回顾性叙述预见到了该协议在 1998 年签署之前就在言辞上中止了该国的暴力历史,这样做无疑为后协议小说重新想象过去的倾向铺平了道路。