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Finance and fiction in Deirdre Madden’s Time Present and Time Past
Irish Studies Review Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/09670882.2020.1782599
Eoin Flannery 1

ABSTRACT The article addresses Deirdre Madden’s Time Present and Time Past as a response to the demise of the Celtic Tiger economy in Ireland. Primary among the article’s concerns are the ways in which Madden deals with issues such as debt and the uncanny; literary realism; the relationship between past, present and future; and the redemptive agency of the artistic imagination. Each of these preoccupations is situated within a broader international critical context, bringing post-Celtic Tiger Irish studies into conversation with literary criticism that focuses on the links between the fields of finance and literary fiction.


迪尔德丽·马登 (Deirdre Madden) 的《现在和过去》中的金融和小说

摘要 本文将 Deirdre Madden 的 Time Present 和 Time Past 作为对爱尔兰凯尔特虎经济消亡的回应。文章主要关注的是 Madden 处理债务和诡异等问题的方式;文学现实主义;过去、现在和未来之间的关系;和艺术想象的救赎机构。这些关注中的每一个都位于更广泛的国际批判背景下,将后凯尔特之虎爱尔兰研究与文学批评进行对话,文学批评侧重于金融和文学小说领域之间的联系。