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The disabling effects of Trauma in a time of austerity: implications for the practice and theory of child psychotherapy
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/02668734.2019.1625943
Tamsin Cottis 1

To be a person with learning disabilities/special educational needs is to be vulnerable to projections of hatred from society, as we seek to disavow the damaged and imperfect in all of us. In circumstances which mirror those of other marginalised groups these projections of hate continue to the point of disabled lives being experienced as less valuable as others. In this paper, I will argue that in our current highly capitalised societies, these projections may now also be carried by those children and young people who are experiencing the effects of childhood trauma, with a recognition that a disproportionate amount of developmentally damaging trauma is undergone by children who live in poverty. This paper will reflect on my work as a child psychotherapist in primary schools in London in the UK over the past 10 years, with children and young people who have been identified as having a range of identified special needs, including social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. All have had their capacity to develop to their full potential impacted by their experiences of trauma. Bessel van der Kolk’s Developmental Trauma model and Sroufe’s Minnesota research will all be considered. Clinical examples will show how long-term, play based child psychotherapy can provide a valuable opportunity for children to identify and express their feelings, in the context of an empathic attuned relationship, even if traumatic experiences are ongoing.



成为一个有学习障碍/特殊教育需要的人,很容易受到社会的仇恨预测,因为我们力图使我们所有人的受损和残缺不堪。在反映其他边缘化群体的情况的情况下,对仇恨的这些预测继续到使残疾人的生活变得不如其他人宝贵的程度。在本文中,我将争辩说,在我们当前高度资本化的社会中,这些预测现在也可能由正在经历童年创伤影响的儿童和年轻人承担,并认识到正在经历不成比例的对发展造成破坏的创伤生活在贫困中的儿童。本文将回顾我在过去十年中作为英国伦敦小学儿童心理治疗师的工作,与被确定具有一系列特殊需求的儿童和年轻人,包括社会,情感和行为上的困难。受创伤的影响,所有人都有充分发挥其潜力的能力。贝塞尔·范德·科克(Bessel van der Kolk)的“发展性创伤”模型和Sroufe的明尼苏达州研究都将被考虑。临床实例将显示,即使在经历创伤的过程中,长期的,以游戏为基础的儿童心理治疗如何在移情的调和关系的背景下为儿童提供识别和表达其情感的宝贵机会。受创伤的影响,所有人都有充分发挥其潜力的能力。贝塞尔·范德·科克(Bessel van der Kolk)的“发展性创伤”模型和Sroufe的明尼苏达州研究都将被考虑。临床实例将显示,即使在经历创伤的过程中,长期的,以游戏为基础的儿童心理治疗如何在移情的调和关系的背景下为儿童提供识别和表达其情感的宝贵机会。受创伤的影响,所有人都有充分发挥其潜力的能力。贝塞尔·范德·科克(Bessel van der Kolk)的“发展性创伤”模型和Sroufe的明尼苏达州研究都将被考虑。临床实例将显示,即使在经历创伤的过程中,长期的,以游戏为基础的儿童心理治疗如何在移情的调和关系的背景下为儿童提供识别和表达其情感的宝贵机会。