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Animating the machinery: prophecy and Lady Eleanor Davies
Prose Studies Pub Date : 2016-05-03 , DOI: 10.1080/01440357.2016.1220486
Rachel Rode Schaefer

Abstract Using Eric Santner’s text The Royal Remains, which explores the way the body politic possesses and yields the excess sovereignty from the king’s deposed and dead body, this essay argues that Lady Eleanor Davies’ anointing as a prophet and handmaid of the Holy Spirit parallels Santner’s masculine examples of political and artistic agency emerging at the time of King James I’s death. Applying this argument to Lady Eleanor Davies’ initial prophecies, A Warning to the Dragon (1625, 1633) and Given to the Elector, Charles of the Rhyne (1633), this paper demonstrates how Lady Eleanor Davies established her own sovereignty through her prophecies preceding the English Civil War. This essay focuses on A Warning and Given to the Elector as the moment at which she is “reborn” into the office of prophet and claims the title “Handmaid of the Holy Spirit.” Moving beyond political agency, Lady Eleanor claims sovereignty not only to predict the downfall of King Charles I’s claim to the throne, but also to anoint a new inheritor to the throne of England. By taking up the mantle of prophecy, Lady Eleanor challenges conventional understandings of how the political figures influenced and attempted to claim sovereignty during the English Civil War.



摘要 使用埃里克·桑特纳 (Eric Santner) 的文本《皇家遗骸》(The Royal Remains),探讨了政治体拥有的方式,并从国王被废黜和死去的尸体中获得了过多的主权,本文认为埃莉诺·戴维斯 (Eleanor Davies) 夫人受膏为圣灵的先知和侍女与桑特纳 (Santner在詹姆斯一世国王去世时出现的政治和艺术代理的男性例子。将此论证应用于埃莉诺·戴维斯夫人的最初预言,对龙的警告(1625 年,1633 年)和给选帝侯,莱恩的查尔斯(1633 年),本文展示了埃莉诺·戴维斯夫人如何通过她之前的预言建立自己的主权英国内战。这篇文章的重点是对选民的警告和给予,因为她“重生”成为先知的职位,并获得了“圣灵的使女”的称号。超越政治机构,埃莉诺夫人声称拥有主权,不仅是为了预测查理一世国王的王位继承权的垮台,而且是为了膏一位新的英格兰王位继承人。通过承担起预言的职责,埃莉诺夫人挑战了人们对英国内战期间政治人物如何影响并试图声称主权的传统理解。