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Undocumented Latinx life-writing: refusing worth and meritocracy
Prose Studies Pub Date : 2020-05-03 , DOI: 10.1080/01440357.2020.1816876
Stacey Alex 1

ABSTRACT This article analyzes undocumented Latinx nonfiction life-writing as creative resistance to dehumanization and as a vehicle for new conceptions of Latinx subjectivities and experiences. It investigates how The Undocumented Americans (2020) by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio and Undocumented: A Dominican Boy’s Odyssey from a Homeless Shelter to the Ivy League (2016) by Dan-el Padilla Peralta counter the way that undocumented individuals are treated as disposable and invite audiences to imagine new social realities. Drawing on Daniel Solorzano and Dolores Delgado Bernal’s work (2001), this article analyzes the discursive expression of transformational resistance to shape social subjects by exposing the fallacies of meritocracy and the racialized, systemic nature of oppressions. Both Cornejo Villavicencio and Padilla Peralta combat the naturalization migrant suffering as inevitable and forge a politics of possibility. Due to their relative privilege, these authors act as surrogates to publicize and justify everyday undocumented disobedience that otherwise would not be shared for fear of deportation.



摘要 本文分析了未记录的拉丁裔非小说生活写作作为对非人化的创造性抵抗以及拉丁裔主体性和经验新概念的载体。它调查了 Karla Cornejo Villavicencio 的《无证美国人》(2020 年)和 Dan-el Padilla Peralta 的《无证者:从无家可归者收容所到常春藤联盟的多米尼加男孩的奥德赛》(2016 年)如何反驳无证者被视为一次性并邀请观众的方式想象新的社会现实。本文借鉴 Daniel Solorzano 和 Dolores Delgado Bernal (2001) 的著作,通过揭露精英统治的谬误和压迫的种族化、系统性本质,分析了变革性抵抗塑造社会主体的话语表达。Cornejo Villavicencio 和 Padilla Peralta 都将归化移民的苦难视为不可避免的,并打造了一种可能性政治。由于他们的相对特权,这些作者充当代理人来宣传和证明日常无证的不服从行为,否则他们不会因为害怕被驱逐出境而被分享。