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Post-medieval fieldwork in Britain and the Channel Islands in 2018
Post-Medieval Archaeology Pub Date : 2019-09-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00794236.2019.1659588
Stephanie Ostrich

The post-medieval fieldwork entries for 2018 follow the structure introduced into the fieldwork section of PMA in 2008. The searchable database of annual excavation summaries set up by the Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology (SPMA) in cooperation with the Society for Medieval Archaeology (SMA) is hosted by the ADS as a ‘Special Collections’ feature of ArchSearch and is also accessible via the SPMA website . We receive more contributions than the limited space of the printed Journal allows us to publish; those entries not included in this section will be accessible in digital format through this resource. SPMA uses the same geographical conventions as those used by SMA. For England, sites will be listed under the post-1974 counties; for Scotland and Wales, the New Local Authority or Unitary Authority Areas will be used; for the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, the historic counties will be used. Maps illustrating this system can be found in Medieval Archaeology 44 (2000), 236–8 and 45 (2001), 234. Although an effort has been made to create a fair representation of the variety of fieldwork undertaken across Britain and Ireland, this compilation only covers those submissions received; any gaps may represent a lack of submissions rather than an absence of fieldwork carried out in the area. The index to the reports is organized around a set of themes and categories to lend shape to the many sites and finds reported each year. The full index is accessible as a drop-down menu in the database. The printed index in the Journal covers all submitted entries, including those represented in a digital-format only on the database; those entries that appear in the index in bold are also represented here in the printed section. The compiler would like to thank all contributors to the 2018 roundup, especially those who submitted reports on behalf of their respective organizations: H. Brooks (CAT), J. Allan (Exeter Cathedral), C. Fern, D. Elsworth (Greenlane Archaeology), S. Thomson (Headland Archaeology UK Ltd, Midlands & West), M. Jecock (Historic England), E. Matthews, S. Leaver (MOLA), K. Hamilton (OAE), K. Smith (OAS), T. Vitali (PCA Ltd), J. Goodwin (SOTAS), S. Preston (TVAS Ltd), C. Harward (Urban Archaeology), L. Lichtenstein (Wessex Archaeology) and J. Brewer (Worcestershire Archaeology). Summaries of work carried out in Scotland are extracted from the annual journal Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, courtesy of Dr Paula Milburn of Archaeology Scotland and AOC Archaeology Group. Many thanks to Gary Young for preparing the final versions of the illustrations for publication.



2018年的中世纪后野外作业条目遵循2008年PMA的野外工作部分所介绍的结构。可搜索的年度挖掘摘要数据库是由中世纪后考古学会(SPMA)与中世纪考古学会合作建立的( SMA)由ADS托管,作为ArchSearch的“特殊收藏”功能 也可以通过SPMA网站访问 。我们收到的捐款超过了印刷版《期刊》允许我们发表的有限空间;通过本资源可以数字格式访问本节中未包括的那些条目。SPMA使用与SMA相同的地理约定。对于英格兰,地点将列在1974年后的县以下;对于苏格兰和威尔士,将使用新的地方当局或统一当局地区;对于爱尔兰共和国和北爱尔兰,将使用历史悠久的县。可以在中世纪考古学44(2000),236-8和45(2001),234中找到说明该系统的地图。尽管已做出努力来公平地代表整个英国和爱尔兰进行的各种田野调查,但本汇编仅涵盖收到的那些内容;任何差距都可能表示缺乏意见,而不是缺乏对该地区进行的实地调查。报告的索引围绕一组主题和类别进行组织,以使许多站点和每年发现的报告更加有形。完整索引可通过数据库中的下拉菜单访问。《日刊》上的印刷索引涵盖了所有提交的条目,包括那些仅以数字格式在数据库中表示的条目;在索引中以粗体显示的那些条目也在此处印刷部分中表示。编制者要感谢2018年综述的所有贡献者,特别是代表各自组织提交报告的人:H。布鲁克斯(CAT),J。艾伦(埃克塞特大教堂),C。费尔恩,D。埃尔斯沃斯(格林兰考古学) ),S. Thomson(英国Midland&West岬角考古有限公司),M. 杰科克(英格兰历史),马修斯(E. Matthews),利弗(S.Leave)(MOLA),汉密尔顿(OAE),史密斯(OAS),史密斯(OAS),维塔利(PCA Ltd),古德温(SOTAS),普雷斯顿(S. TVAS Ltd),C。Harward(城市考古学),L。Lichtenstein(Wessex考古学)和J. Brewer(伍斯特郡考古学)。在苏格兰进行的工作摘要摘自苏格兰考古学的保拉·米尔本(Paula Milburn)博士和AOC考古学集团提供的年度杂志《苏格兰的发现与发掘》。非常感谢Gary Young准备了插图的最终版本以供出版。在苏格兰进行的工作摘要摘自苏格兰考古学的保拉·米尔本(Paula Milburn)博士和AOC考古学集团提供的年度杂志《苏格兰的发现与发掘》。非常感谢Gary Young准备了插图的最终版本以供出版。在苏格兰进行的工作摘要摘自苏格兰考古学的保拉·米尔本(Paula Milburn)博士和AOC考古学集团提供的年度杂志《苏格兰的发现与发掘》。非常感谢Gary Young准备了插图的最终版本以供出版。