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Gearing up for a hunt?: A Great Bend aspect cache from central Kansas
Plains Anthropologist Pub Date : 2018-08-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00320447.2018.1482185
Jack L. Hofman 1 , Barbara M. Crable 1

The Johnson cache is a collection of 65 chipped stone artifacts, all made from varieties of Permian chert, which were found in the bank of Cow Creek in Rice County, central Kansas. The artifacts include large bifacial cores, triangular arrow point preforms, blade-like end-scraper blanks, and a few flake tools. This collection is interpreted to represent essential elements of Great Bend aspect people’s chipped stone technological system which was placed into storage for potential future use, but which was never reopened and used. The cache is thought to date between AD 1200 and 1600.



约翰逊藏品收集了 65 件碎石文物,全部由二叠纪燧石制成,这些石器是在堪萨斯州中部赖斯县的考克里克河岸发现的。人工制品包括大型双面芯、三角形箭头预制件、刀片状刮刀毛坯和一些薄片工具。该系列被解释为代表 Great Bend 方面人们的碎石技术系统的基本元素,该系统已被放入存储以备将来使用,但从未重新打开和使用过。缓存被认为可以追溯到公元 1200 年到 1600 年之间。