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The Existentialist Legacy: Sisyphean Struggles in Albert Camus’ La Peste and Günter Grass’s Die Rättin
Oxford German Studies Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/00787191.2019.1664173
Nicole Thesz 1

In the course of his career, Günter Grass repeatedly invoked the works of Albert Camus, above all the 1942 essay “Le Mythe de Sisyphe” (“Der Mythos von Sisyphos”). This article examines Camus’ influence on Grass, arguing that Grass validates his own political and literary efforts, beginning in Aus dem Tagebuch einer Schnecke (1972), as part of a productive Sisyphean struggle. Yet the legacy of Sisyphus in Kopfgeburten (1980) and Die Rättin (1986) shifts, increasingly being framed as a persistent humanistic effort to oppose consumerism, nuclear armament, and environmental destruction. Comparing Camus’ novel La Peste (1947) with Die Rättin, the article underscores the evolving views in Europe on politics and writing, biology and mortality, as well as technology and the environment. Whereas Camus is concerned with existential suffering in an absurd universe and imagines a heroic savior-protagonist, Grass addresses more specific political concerns, blaming humanity — including the ineffectual narrator of Die Rättin — for endangering life on the planet.


存在主义遗产:阿尔伯特·加缪 (Albert Camus) 的《瘟疫》(La Peste) 和君特·格拉斯 (Günter Grass) 的《死神》(Die Rättin) 中的西西弗式斗争

在他的职业生涯中,君特·格拉斯反复引用了阿尔伯特·加缪的作品,尤其是 1942 年的论文“Le Mythe de Sisyphe”(“Der Mythos von Sisyphos”)。本文考察了加缪对格拉斯的影响,认为格拉斯从 Aus dem Tagebuch einer Schnecke (1972) 开始,作为富有成效的西西弗式斗争的一部分,验证了他自己的政治和文学努力。然而,西西弗斯在 Kopfgeburten (1980) 和 Die Rättin (1986) 中的遗产发生了变化,越来越多地被视为反对消费主义、核武器和环境破坏的持久人道主义努力。这篇文章将加缪的小说 La Peste (1947) 与 Die Rättin 进行比较,强调了欧洲对政治和写作、生物学和死亡率以及技术和环境不断变化的看法。