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Relationship between Hotels’ Website Quality and Consumers’ Booking Intentions with Internet Experience as Moderator
Journal of China Tourism Research Pub Date : 2019-12-09 , DOI: 10.1080/19388160.2019.1699484
Liang Wang 1 , Rob Law 2

ABSTRACT This study examines how perceived hotel website attributes influence consumers’ booking intentions. From a dynamic view, this study integrates privacy, security and consumers’ perceived protection against online purchasing risks into the empirical model obtained from existing literature. Moreover, consumers’ Internet experiences, as a dynamic learning process, are considered a moderator in the relationship between website quality and booking intentions. Empirical results support the expected hypotheses concerning the effects of website dimensions on booking intentions wherein website usability and booking intentions are the strongest. Moreover, the power law of practice exists as daily and yearly Internet experience can moderate such causal relationship. Implications for hoteliers and future researchers are also presented at the end of this article.


