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Dewey’s Broad Account of Habit and its Relevance for Change Management: A Conceptual Clarification with Pragmatic Illustrations
Journal of Change Management Pub Date : 2020-04-30 , DOI: 10.1080/14697017.2020.1755342
Michael Pedersen 1 , Stephen Dunne 2

ABSTRACT The narrow view of habits predominant within behavioural approaches to change management conceptualizes them as passive transition points between stimuli and responses. John Dewey’s broad view of habit, by contrast, conceptualizes habits as the very basis for how individuals interact with their environments, one another, and themselves. We highlight the renewed relevance of Dewey’s conceptualization of habit by clarifying it as (1) a function between individuals and environments; (2) a custom produced within social settings; (3) a process intertwined with inquiries and impulses. We illustrate each of these characteristics through the example of a French factory, within which we claim that the narrow view prevails, and a Danish IT company, within which we claim the presence of a broader view. We proceed to discuss consequences of the broad view to change management research. MAD statement This paper Make a Difference (MAD) by pointing to the relevance of looking at habit in understanding the microdynamics of change. Rather than understanding habit in a narrow sense as automatic behaviour triggers by environmental clues, the paper presents a broad conceptions of habit that understands habit as a social and materially disposition that both make change recipients resist and receptive towards change. This conception of habit is based on the work of the pragmatist philosophy and psychology of John Dewey, applied to two empirical cases and discussed in light of change management literature



摘要在改变管理方式的行为方法中,习惯的狭义观念将其概念化为刺激和反应之间的被动过渡点。相比之下,约翰·杜威(John Dewey)对习惯的宽泛看法将习惯概念化为个人如何与环境,彼此以及与自己互动的基础。通过阐明杜威对习惯的概念化的新关联,我们将其澄清为:(1)个人与环境之间的功能;(2)在社会环境中产生的习俗;(3)与询问和冲动交织在一起的过程。我们通过一个法国工厂和一个丹麦IT公司的例子来说明这些特征中的每一个,在法国工厂中我们主张狭narrow的观点占上风,在丹麦IT公司中我们主张存在更大的观点。我们将继续讨论改变管理研究的广阔前景。MAD陈述本文通过指出习惯对理解变化的微观动力学的重要性,可以做出改变(MAD)。本文没有从狭义的意义上理解习惯,因为习惯行为是由环境线索触发的,而是提出了一种广泛的习惯概念,将习惯理解为一种社会性和物质性倾向,既使变革接受者反抗并接受变革。这种习惯概念是基于约翰·杜威的实用主义哲学和心理学的工作,应用于两个经验案例,并根据变更管理文献进行了讨论。MAD陈述本文通过指出习惯对理解变化的微观动力的重要性,做出了改变(MAD)。本文没有从狭义的意义上理解习惯,因为习惯行为是由环境线索触发的,而是提出了一种广泛的习惯概念,将习惯理解为一种社会的和物质的倾向,既使变革接受者反抗并接受变革。这种习惯概念是基于约翰·杜威的实用主义哲学和心理学的研究成果,适用于两个经验案例,并根据变更管理文献进行了讨论。MAD陈述本文通过指出习惯对理解变化的微观动力的重要性,做出了改变(MAD)。本文没有从狭义的意义上理解习惯,因为习惯行为是由环境线索触发的,而是提出了一种广泛的习惯概念,将习惯理解为一种社会性和物质性倾向,既使变革接受者反抗并接受变革。这种习惯概念是基于约翰·杜威的实用主义哲学和心理学的研究成果,适用于两个经验案例,并根据变更管理文献进行了讨论。本文提出了一种广泛的习惯概念,将习惯理解为一种社会和物质倾向,既使变革接受者反抗并接受变革。这种习惯概念是基于约翰·杜威的实用主义哲学和心理学的工作,应用于两个经验案例,并根据变更管理文献进行了讨论。本文提出了一种广泛的习惯概念,将习惯理解为一种社会和物质倾向,既使变革接受者反抗并接受变革。这种习惯概念是基于约翰·杜威的实用主义哲学和心理学的研究成果,适用于两个经验案例,并根据变更管理文献进行了讨论。