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Sensing the music: oral mnemonics as a technique of affective sensitization in Japanese “court music”
Asian Anthropology Pub Date : 2019-07-01 , DOI: 10.1080/1683478x.2019.1629472
Andrea Giolai 1

Abstract Inspired by a broader “sensory turn” in anthropology, research on Japanese traditional performing arts has recently acknowledged the intense physicality of doing fieldwork with actors and musicians. Moving from the similarly situated perspective of ethnographic apprenticeship, this article shows how shōga, the oral mnemonic system used in Japanese court music (gagaku), can function as a technique of affective sensitization. While past studies have successfully explained the efficacy of similar “acoustic-iconic mnemonic systems,” untangling their concealed logic, this research highlights the ways in which shōga operates on the level of affect, enabling practitioners to feel with each other. Analyzing how members of the group Nanto Gakuso use it to detect resonances between the kinaesthetic qualities of playing and dancing, the article maintains that shōga is employed not only as a mnemonic device, but also as a sophisticated means of embodied music transmission.



摘要 受人类学中更广泛的“感官转向”的启发,日本传统表演艺术的研究最近承认与演员和音乐家进行实地考察的强烈身体性。本文从类似的人种学学徒制角度出发,展示了日本宫廷音乐 (gagaku) 中使用的口头助记系统 shōga 如何发挥情感敏感化技术的作用。虽然过去的研究已经成功地解释了类似的“声学-标志性助记系统”的功效,解开了它们隐藏的逻辑,但这项研究突出了 shōga 在情感层面上运作的方式,使从业者能够相互感受。分析 Nanto Gakuso 小组的成员如何使用它来检测演奏和跳舞的动觉品质之间的共鸣,