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Outdoor education in Canada: a qualitative investigation
Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning Pub Date : 2020-06-26 , DOI: 10.1080/14729679.2020.1784767
Morten Asfeldt 1 , Rebecca Purc-Stephenson 2 , Mikaela Rawleigh 1 , Sydney Thackeray 1


Outdoor education (OE) is a broad term referring to organized outdoor learning . Given Canada’s large size, sparse population, varied landscapes and diverse culture , developing a comprehensive understanding of the philosophies, goals and activities of OE in Canada is challenging. While Canada has a long history of OE, scholars struggle to articulate the ‘Canadian way(s)’ of OE. Therefore, this study seeks to describe the philosophies, goals, and activities of Canadian OE programs to stimulate the development of a deeper understanding of Canadian OE. An interpretative phenomenological analysis framework was used to explore 22 participant’s descriptions of their OE programs. Findings indicate that OE in Canada is influenced by a blend of philosophies that include hands-on experience, integrated learning, and journeying through the land. Common goals include personal growth and building community integrated with place consciousness and environmental goals. Hiking, canoeing and kayaking, skiing and snowshoeing were the most common activities.




户外教育 (OE) 是一个广义的术语,指的是有组织的户外学习。鉴于加拿大幅员辽阔、人口稀少、景观多样和文化多样,全面了解加拿大 OE 的理念、目标和活动具有挑战性。虽然加拿大的 OE 历史悠久,但学者们努力阐明 OE 的“加拿大方式”。因此,本研究旨在描述加拿大 OE 计划的理念、目标和活动,以促进对加拿大 OE 的更深入了解。解释性现象学分析框架用于探索 22 名参与者对其 OE 程序的描述。调查结果表明,加拿大的 OE 受到多种哲学的影响,包括实践经验、综合学习和穿越土地。共同目标包括个人成长和建立与地方意识和环境目标相结合的社区。徒步旅行、划独木舟和皮划艇、滑雪和雪鞋行走是最常见的活动。
