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Increasingly Controversial, Cultural, and Political: The Immigration Debate in Scandinavian Newspapers 1970–2016
Javnost - The Public ( IF 1.164 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-29 , DOI: 10.1080/13183222.2019.1589285
Jan Fredrik Hovden , Hilmar Mjelde

Earlier accounts of the immigration debate in Scandinavia have suggested that despite the countries’ many similarities, Swedish newspapers are dominated by immigration friendly views, that Danish papers are very open to strongly negative views on immigration, and that Norwegian press occupies a middle position. However, this argument has until now not been tested through a large systematic, comparative, and historical study of newspaper coverage of immigration in these countries. As a part of the SCANPUB project [https://scanpub.w.uib.no/], a content analysis of a representative sample of articles for two newspapers for each country for the period 1970–2016 (one constructed month pr. year, N = 4329) was done. Focusing on broad Scandinavian trends and major national differences, the results support the general claims about national differences in Scandinavian immigration debate, and also suggest some major developments, in particular the rise of immigration as an issue for debate and for national politicians.



斯堪的那维亚关于移民辩论的早期报道表明,尽管瑞典和瑞典有许多相似之处,但瑞典报纸还是以友好移民的观点为主导,丹麦报纸对移民问题持强烈反对态度,挪威新闻界处于中间位置。但是,迄今为止,尚未通过对这些国家的报纸报道进行大规模的系统,比较和历史研究来检验这种论点。作为SCANPUB项目[https://scanpub.w.uib.no/]的一部分,对每个国家的两份报纸在1970-2016年期间的代表性文章样本进行内容分析(每年建造一个月) ,N = 4329)。关注斯堪的纳维亚的广泛趋势和主要的民族差异,