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Supernatural Longing in Yamakawa Tomiko’s Tanka
Japanese Studies Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10371397.2019.1588690
Nicholas Albertson 1

ABSTRACT Yamakawa Tomiko (1879–1909) was one of the ‘leading ladies’ of the Myōjō (Venus) circle of poets. In her decade of poetic productivity before her premature death from tuberculosis at age 29, Tomiko was known as the melancholy friend and rival of the more famous Yosano Akiko (1878–1942). Not only did the two vie for the romantic affections of the Myōjō leader, Yosano Tekkan (1873–1935), but they also collaborated on one of the great tanka collections of the era, Koigoromo (Robe of Love, 1905), and frequently employed supernatural symbolism in ways that were both traditional and strikingly modern. In this study, I draw Tomiko’s poetry out from under Akiko’s shadow. By examining the era’s gender politics and poetic practices alongside Tomiko’s Christian education and personal anguish, I show how she exquisitely compressed complex worlds of longing, guilt, and defiance into the 31-syllable tanka form.



摘要 Yamakawa Tomiko (1879–1909) 是 Myōjō(金星)诗人圈子中的“女主角”之一。在她 29 岁因肺结核过早死亡之前的十年诗歌创作中,富子被称为更着名的与谢野明子(1878-1942)的忧郁朋友和竞争对手。两人不仅争夺 Myōjō 领袖 Yosano Tekkan(1873-1935)的浪漫爱情,而且他们还合作制作了那个时代最伟大的短歌系列之一 Koigoromo(Robe of Love,1905),并且经常被雇佣超自然象征主义的方式既传统又现代。在这项研究中,我从明子的阴影下抽出富子的诗歌。通过检查时代的性别政治和诗歌实践以及富子的基督教教育和个人痛苦,