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Convention and Reinvention: The British Library Shahnama of 1438 (Or. 1403)
Iran Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/05786967.2019.1578541
Peyvand Firouzeh 1

ABSTRACT The geographic origin of the fifteenth-century illustrated Shahnama manuscript Or. 1403, held at the British Library, has been the subject of unresolved scholarly debate. Stepping away from the binary alternatives that have been suggested for the attribution of the manuscript in the past (Iran versus India, and Delhi versus the Deccan), this essay focuses on text and image and their potential relationships in its preface-frontispiece set and how these would have addressed the manuscript’s possible audiences. Evaluating the ways that the preface and frontispiece reimagine the established visual and textual conventions of Shahnama manuscripts in the fifteenth century, the study explores the manuscript’s engagement with a range of possible socio-historical settings, all of which reflect the complex circulation and reception of Persianate modes of culture between Iran and India in this period.


公约与再创造:1438 年的大英图书馆 Shahnama(或 1403 年)

摘要 十五世纪插图 Shahnama 手稿的地理起源或。1403,在大英图书馆举行,一直是未解决的学术辩论的主题。摆脱过去为手稿归属而建议的二元替代方案(伊朗对印度,德里对德干),本文重点关注文本和图像及其在序言中的潜在关系,以及如何这些本来可以解决手稿的可能受众。该研究评估了序言和卷首重新构想了 15 世纪沙赫纳玛手稿的既定视觉和文本惯例的方式,探索了手稿与一系列可能的社会历史背景的接触,