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Reproducing the Original Plan of the Abbasid Friday Mosque at Esfahan and its First Enlargement
Iran Pub Date : 2019-01-29 , DOI: 10.1080/05786967.2019.1568837
Miss Federica Duva 1

ABSTRACT Following an in-depth study and comparison of the archaeological data collected by the Italian Archaeological Mission at the Friday Mosque of Esfahan in 1970s and Islamic historical sources dealing with Esfahan, this paper aims to suggest a reconstruction of the layout of the first Abbasid mosque at Esfahan – attributed by the author to 767 – and of its first enlargement carried out a few years later. In particular, though two different models can be hypothesised for the 767 mosque, i.e. the so-called “Syrian plan” and the so-called “Arab-Iraqi plan”, some observations can be made that seem to pin down the latter as the actual prototype for the first Abbasid phase, thus revealing an influence of the Arab-Iraqi model in early Islamic Iranian architecture that was maintained in the enlarged plan of the mosque.



摘要 在对 1970 年代意大利考古团在伊斯法罕星期五清真寺收集的考古数据和与伊斯法罕有关的伊斯兰历史资料进行深入研究和比较后,本文旨在建议重建第一座阿拔斯清真寺的布局。在伊斯法罕——作者将其归因于 767——以及几年后进行的第一次扩建。特别是,虽然可以为 767 清真寺假设两种不同的模型,即所谓的“叙利亚计划”和所谓的“阿拉伯-伊拉克计划”,但可以得出一些观察结果,似乎可以将后者确定为阿拔斯王朝第一阶段的实际原型,从而揭示了阿拉伯-伊拉克模型在早期伊斯兰伊朗建筑中的影响,该建筑保留在清真寺的扩大计划中。