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Geo-capitalism and global racialization in the frame of Anthropocene
International Review of Sociology Pub Date : 2019-05-04 , DOI: 10.1080/03906701.2019.1641263
Dario Padovan 1 , Alfredo Alietti 2

ABSTRACT The appropriation of nature under current capitalist conditions implies the intensification of processes of exploitation of labour, dispossession of peasants’ lands, indiscriminate extraction of raw materials, and racialization of all these processes. These dynamics reveal a double process: from one side we are witnessing a global racialization generated alongside socio-ecological phenomena that are changing for the worse food, energy, land, water, and raw materials regimes. From the other side we are witnessing an imperious use of racist speeches, claims, public measures and violent practices aimed to galvanized the racial and racist spirit of European and American white populations against migrants and refugees driven by the underlying forces formerly recalled. These two dynamics are strictly interlinked. For a long time, researchers dealt with local dynamics and phenomena of racism often forgetting how global, large, planetary processes of exploitation, appropriation, and dispossession sculpt these dynamics at the local level. This article aims to deal with these processes of global racialization and racism by an analysis of the process of accumulation based on ‘racialized unequal exchange’ fostering the idea that that unequal ecological exchange bases on historical division of people in different subordinate races in line with the global neoliberal order.



摘要 在当前资本主义条件下对自然的占有意味着劳动剥削过程的加剧、农民土地的剥夺、原材料的不分青红皂白的开采以及所有这些过程的种族化。这些动态揭示了一个双重过程:一方面,我们正在目睹全球种族化与社会生态现象一起产生,这些现象正在向更糟糕的食物、能源、土地、水和原材料制度转变。另一方面,我们正在目睹种族主义言论、主张、公共措施和暴力做法的专横使用,旨在激发欧洲和美国白人的种族和种族主义精神,反对由先前召回的潜在力量驱动的移民和难民。这两种动力是紧密相连的。许久,研究人员处理地方动态和种族主义现象时,往往忘记了全球性的、大型的、全球性的剥削、占用和剥夺过程是如何在地方层面塑造这些动态的。本文旨在通过分析基于“种族化不平等交换”的积累过程来处理这些全球种族化和种族主义的过程,并提倡不平等的生态交换基于不同从属种族的人的历史划分,符合全球新自由主义秩序。