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Scaling Laws in the Stellar Mass Distribution and the Transition to Homogeneity
Advances in Astronomy ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-08 , DOI: 10.1155/2021/6680938
José Gaite 1

We present a new statistical analysis of the large-scale stellar mass distribution in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (data release 7). A set of volume-limited samples shows that the stellar mass of galaxies is concentrated in a range of galaxy luminosities that is very different from the range selected by the usual analysis of galaxy positions. Nevertheless, the two-point correlation function is a power-law with the usual exponent , which varies with luminosity. The mass concentration property allows us to make a meaningful analysis of the angular distribution of the full flux-limited sample. With this analysis, after suppressing the shot noise, we extend further the scaling range and thus obtain and a clustering length . Fractional statistical moments of the coarse-grained stellar mass density exhibit multifractal scaling. Our results support a multifractal model with a transition to homogeneity at about .



我们在Sloan Digital Sky Survey(数据发布7)中提出了大规模恒星质量分布的新统计分析。一组体积有限的样本显示,星系的恒星质量集中在与通常通过对星系位置进行分析所选择的范围不同的范围内。然而,两点相关函数是幂指数,具有通常的指数随亮度而变化。质量浓度特性使我们能够对整个通量受限样品的角度分布进行有意义的分析。通过该分析,在抑制散粒噪声之后,我们进一步扩展了缩放范围,从而获得了 和聚类长度 粗粒恒星质量密度的分数统计矩表现出多重分形标度。我们的研究结果支持了一个多重分形模型,该模型在左右过渡到均匀性