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Impact of pre-migration assets and pre-migration trauma on acculturative stress among recent Latinx immigrant young adults
Ethnicity & Health ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-08 , DOI: 10.1080/13557858.2021.1881766
Alexa Barton 1 , Osmari Novoa 2 , Mariana Sanchez 2 , Eduardo Romano 3 , Miguel Cano 2



Pre-migration trauma is associated with adverse mental health outcomes among Latinx immigrants. Pre-migration assets like family cohesion and social support may promote positive mental health outcomes in this population. The current study aims to identify the cumulative and interaction effects of pre-migration trauma, social support, and family cohesion on acculturative stress among recent Latinx immigrants (RLIs).


The current study utilizes baseline data from an on-going longitudinal study following 540 RLIs during their initial 3 years in the U.S. Simple main effects of the predictor variables on acculturative stress were estimated using hierarchical multiple regression (HMR). Predictor variables were entered into the HMR model as follows: (1) demographic variables were entered in the first block, (2) family cohesion and social support in the second block and (3) pre-migration trauma in the third block. Interaction effects between family cohesion and social support on the association between pre-migration trauma and acculturative stress were examined.


Results showed that 20.6% of the variance of acculturative stress was explained by the predictor variables entered into the HMR model. The first predictor block included demographic variables and explained 13.5% of the variability in acculturative stress, R2 = 13.5, F(6, 521) = 13.55, p < .001. The second block added family cohesion and social support to the HMR model and showed an ΔR2 of 4.5%, R2 = 18.0, F(8, 519) = 14.22, p < .001. The third block added pre- migration trauma to the HMR model and showed an ΔR2 change of 2.6%, R2 = 20.6, F(9, 518) = 14.93, p < .001. Significant interaction effects were found for family cohesion among documented RLIs. Social support was not a significant moderator.


Study findings suggest pre-migration resources such as family cohesion and social support may ameliorate post-immigration acculturative stress among RLI, while pre-migration trauma, may exacerbate acculturative stress.





移民前的创伤与拉丁裔移民的不良心理健康结果有关。家庭凝聚力和社会支持等移民前资产可能会促进该人群积极的心理健康结果。本研究旨在确定移民前创伤、社会支持和家庭凝聚力对新近拉丁裔移民 (RLI) 文化压力的累积和相互作用影响。


目前的研究利用了一项正在进行的纵向研究的基线数据,该研究跟踪了 540 个 RLI 在美国最初 3 年的情况。使用分层多元回归 (HMR) 估计了预测变量对文化压力的简单主效应。预测变量按如下方式输入 HMR 模型:(1) 在第一个块中输入人口统计变量,(2) 在第二个块中输入家庭凝聚力和社会支持,(3) 在第三个块中输入迁移前创伤。研究了家庭凝聚力和社会支持之间的相互作用对移民前创伤和文化压力之间关系的影响。


结果表明,20.6% 的文化压力方差可以通过输入 HMR 模型的预测变量来解释。第一个预测块包括人口统计变量,并解释了 13.5% 的文化压力变异性,R 2  = 13.5,F (6, 521) = 13.55,p  < .001。第二个区块为 HMR 模型添加了家庭凝聚力和社会支持,显示 Δ R 2为 4.5%,R 2  = 18.0,F (8, 519) = 14.22,p  < .001。第三组在 HMR 模型中添加了迁移前创伤,显示 Δ R 2变化为 2.6%,R 2  = 20.6,F (9, 518) = 14.93,p  < .001。研究发现,记录在案的 RLI 之间的家庭凝聚力存在显着的交互作用。社会支持并不是一个重要的调节因素。


研究结果表明,家庭凝聚力和社会支持等移民前资源可能会改善 RLI 的移民后文化适应压力,而移民前的创伤可能会加剧文化适应压力。
